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Claim CLO in police panel


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I wouldn't call this a "feature" as its just loc block.

However, I could suggest middle way. Allow people to do /loc on clo, but insteas of pointing exact location, it only points the city where the clo currently is?

EDIT1: Apparently that's already possible, so I wouldn't change anything

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@ElRastaMan17 said in Claim CLO in police panel:

Enjoy the game everyday with what we have and thats it!

Why are you then on the server suggestions forum?

@SNome said in Claim CLO in police panel:

why remove something that's been here forever?

You could sort of say the same thing about genital warts.

@Garcia1999 said in Claim CLO in police panel:

being normal player means that you are normal player also means PLAY FUCKING NORMAL AND TAKE CARE OF WHAT YOU ARE ABLE TO DO

Did they bathe you with authoritarian soap after your earlier misfortunes on this server to have you speak this way?

@Garcia1999 said in Claim CLO in police panel:

and stop crying.

I am not crying, people writing in caps-lock are more likely to be experiencing intense emotion.

@Garcia1999 said in Claim CLO in police panel:

desert eagle military existing for a reason for CLO in short

Read what Element wrote, we clash with CLO regularly.

@Bunny said in Claim CLO in police panel:

I wouldn't call this a "feature" as its just loc block.

However, I could suggest middle way. Allow people to do /loc on clo, but insteas of pointing exact location, it only points the city where the clo currently is?

We can already see this in the police panel.

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If you guys communicated, finding CLOs wouldnt be that hard :) Im sure youll find rzz0 or tritosh outside jail if you want to know their location.

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After reading your comment @Element , you got me convinced and with tears in my eyes I couldn't agree with you more than just remove this shit cock loc block, i would also like to see the removal of their armor and dual colts, it would be much appreciated to see CLO spawn with a rifle and shotgun only as they are op we can't arrest 2 CLOs near jail it's impossible. If neither of that works we could always request a command to arrest CLOs ty bye

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if u need my location as CLO, u can PM me and i pm back my right location, ez, dont cry about something has been here for years, the reason the imbalance starts is cuz the new pampered kids want easy solutions and the higher admins cops indulge them for their benefits

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@Doasis said in Claim CLO in police panel:

Why are you then on the server suggestions forum?

This is getting worse day by day. Cops and Criminals are only crying about something everytime I see a suggestion. If you want to suggest something you need to think about both sides because this is not all about one side. The community is more important than buffing cops or buffing criminals. Right now there are worst problems that need to be fixed

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CLO is a special group and it has it's own special things, You don't need to claim their location, You can just open K panel and click on them you will see their location and the city, Stop being lazy and move your ass lol
EDIT: @Doasis If you don't know the places names you can ask me and I will tell you, And K.A.C.C. Military Fuels, Las Venturas= CLO base, Just to help you :wink:

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