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^[We Are Back and Alive! Join us On Discord For More Future News!]


alt metni

  • The roster has been updated

  • Founder: @Brondy @ViRuSLN @Blu

  • Leader: @ViRuSLN

  • Vice Leader: @Blu

  • HQ Team: @Lincoln @Markus

  • We're back again. If you would like to join us please do not hesitate to apply

Discord; https://discord.gg/uKrRst4

Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1436/al-munazama-media-center



Please fill out the application format below in order to join us (Try to be creative)

Part 1 - Player Info
Ingame nick:
Real Name:
Account name:
Rate your English Skills (0/10):
Current Organization:
Current Group List:
Player 2 - Role-Play Info
Rate your RP skills (0/10):
Talk about your RP experience:
Write a short RP story related to rebels:
Add a photo of a rebel please:


~[**Riot, Blood, Money, Fire - **]~(maroon)

  • 1 month later...

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Hey everybody! On behalf of the HQ team I'd like to announce that we are BACK!, If you are interested you can apply now and don't forget to join our discord server https://discord.gg/AbxA8rX and check our new promo!



Rayies of Al - Munazama - Mosaab Mahdi


Part 1 - Player Info
Ingame nick: Fig
Real Name: Aadi
Account name: figmash
Nationality: Indian
Rate your English Skills (0/10): (9/10)
Current Organization: ThC
Current Group List: ALT, G&C, VT
Player 2 - Role-Play Info
Rate your RP skills (0/10): (8/10)
Talk about your RP experience: I have done RPs for IAC, ThC, VT and ALT! I like RPing and hence love SAES
Write a short RP story related to rebels: Once lived an amateur who was one of the many slaves of ISIS once decided the challenge Akbar Bin Iqbal (his guide) gave him! Once he was caught in USA and was sent to jail but was human bombed.
Add a photo of a rebel please:


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~[Part 1 - Player Info]~(maroon)

Ingame nick: Nishki

Real Name: Mohammad

Account name: bluelive122

Nationality: United Arab Emirates.

Rate your English Skills (0/10): I'd give my English a rating of 10/10

Current Organization: Not at any organization at the moment.

Current Group List:

1/ Investment arms cooperation
2/ San andreas studious.
3/ Knightshounds.
4/ Cluckin bell

~[Player 2 - Role-Play Info]~(maroon)

Rate your RP skills (0/10): I would give myself a rating of 8.5/10 role-playing since I've had a couple of Role-Plays and such stuff and therefore i am familiar and well known with it.

Talk about your RP experience: First of all I've been Role-Playing around the server with a couple of groups and multiple gangs day by day one by one I got much better at Role-playing and here I am doing it on weekly basis for my groups. And I've been doing Role plays for lots of groups such as The Motor Heads and IAC some for my gangs that I've been also and I did one helping this amazing group today and i hope that there is more to come by working on it together.

Write a short RP story related to rebels: The rebels has always been & long-lived fighting against the Law and the Government it had the ups and down here comes the story: Once upon the time there were a group which contained a plenty rebels who were planning to ambush an army camp to steal and dominate the area and the food planing around them for days learning their entries, exists, shortcuts, all obvious ways leading to the camp and such stuff when the day has come to accomplish the mission so they had to prepare everything needed for their task. They invaded the area and murdered every single member of the army professionally took there needs and secured it and moved on to the next place.

Add a photo of a rebel please:


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@figmash Thanks for showing your interest in applying for us, you have written a very poor application so your answer is ~[DENIED]~(maroon), feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks if you are still interested.

@Nishki Thanks for showing your application in applying for us, your application is kinda poor and it seems that you haven't put any effort on it, besides that the HQ team is still not sure about you so we will give you a chance to edit your application in 24hrs then you will get your answer.

The Rayies of Al - Munazama - Mosaab Mahdi


Part 1 - Player Info

Ingame nick : McJoni (RP Name:Refugee.Sadik)

Real Name : Jihad

Account name : boubi

Nationality : Im Algerian

Rate your English Skills (0/10): 7 / 10

Current Organization : The Strike Team.

Current Group List:
Lucks'n Campnay
San Andreas Pirates

Player 2 - Role-Play Info

Rate your RP skills (0/10): I would say that my Roleplay skills are Between 7 and 8 so it can help.
Talk about your RP experience:

Well,This game already are based on a Roleplay so acting like in reallife,I got the experiance of roleplaying from the Televesion and the news that happend inreallife .also,I like to rp in the game,because this game arent just fun and ...That's why i like to Roleplay
Write a short RP story related to rebels:

Jihad,is a person that living in Palestin,He was living with his familly (2Girls and 3 boys)he's 20 years old,in a day he wakes up from the sleeping,he touks a cigarette on his hand and he start smoking he saw His 2 girls brother getting in a boy house,and his 3 boys touching his mother with the knife to fear,He Goes to his Boys brothers with a AK-47,and he kill them,next he go to the house that his Sisters are there and he throww 2 grenades in the house,and all of them dead,exept his Mother.

Add a photo of a rebel please





@Nishki we have noticed that you have edited your application, we are still not sure about you so your answer is ~[UNDER-REVIEW]~(navy,navy), try to join most of our activities as much as you can, good luck!

@Hetler Not bad application, but we still need to see more from you! Your answer is ~[PENDING]~(orange), Try to join our activities and always check discord for activities adverts. Good luck!


Part 1 - Player Info

Ingame nick: Nord
Real Name: Victor
Account name: njogrsenbalgruf
Nationality: Filipino
Rate your English Skills (0/10): It's a 10/10.
Current Organization: I'm currently the vice leader of C.I.A
Current Group List:
These are the groups that I'm currently in and what my current rank is:

  • ~[Knighthounds Contractors]~(maroon) - Director & Naval Admiral

  • ~[The Motor Heads]~(green) - Honorary

  • ~[All Load Trucking]~(#f5ed4f) - Trucker

  • ~[Centrino]~(#b7fa00) - Taxi Driver

  • Black Eagle Secuirty - Bodyguard

  • ~[RadioSA]~(#f7ff00) - DJ

  • ~[MJ Enterprise]~(orange) - Honorary; Graphics Designer

  • ~[San Andreas Studios]~(sienna) - Producer

  • ~[SAPA]~(teal) - Cadet

Player 2 - Role-Play Info

Rate your RP skills (0/10): I can say that my RP skills are 9/10.
Talk about your RP experience:

  • I'm a very straightforward and serious roleplayer. Been roleplaying since I started playing SA-MP and MTA, especially in SAES. I'm in numerous groups and I can say that my experiences from these various groups really increased my roleplaying skills throughout my game play time in SAES. I can also adapt to a role if I don't know anything about that certain role. I am willing to learn new roleplaying elements and such.

Write a short RP story related to rebels:

  • Being born as a boy in the middle of a crisis, is hard. All you see is death, violence, corruption and poverty. Everyday is a losing side for us. The people of our land, with our life expectancy withering every single day. Every bullets being fired day and night, lives getting taken rain or shine. And you, the inferior, Expect us not to fight back? Set that aside, let's get to the real deal. Born Abubakar Abdhir, People rarely call me by my name. Instead, they call me by my alias, Sayyaf. I was born in a refugee camp near the Iraq-Syrian border. My mother perished during an airstrike by the United States of America, those fucking Americans took the life of my mother, the only family I had. That's when I thought to myself that this bullshit crisis is all the fault of the Americans. That's when I joined a local resistance group fending off these invaders. We took over our old town and so on, there I saw my people beginning to taste a little bit of freedom, but not as I intended it to be. I knew all along that we have a long way to go.

Add a photo of a rebel please:
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Part 1 - Player Info
Ingame nick:CrazyBoy
Real Name:MehmetCan
Account name:mehmet1106
Rate your English Skills: (10/5)
Current Organization:No have
Current Group List:No have

Player 2 - Role-Play Info

Rate your RP skills (5/10):

Talk about your RP experience:I only know Pullover RP



Hi @Nord ! We're thrilled that youd like to join us here at Al Munazama.We've now got your application that you sent. On the behalf of HQ team, i am glad to announce that you are ~[Accepted]~(blue), welcome aboard!

Vice Leader Of Al Munazama


~[Part 1 - Player Info]~(#873138)
Ingame nick: Faysal
Real Name: Faysal
Account name: Sakami852
Nationality: I'm from Tunisia.
Rate your English Skills (0/10): I would rate it 8.5/10.
Current Organization: ~[Underground Empire]~(#500000)
Current Group List: ~[Cunning Stunts]~(#f8a675) / ~[Black Eagle Security]~(#2e2e2e)
~[Player 2 - Role-Play Info]~(#873138)
Rate your RP skills (0/10): Well, I've been doing so many RPs lately and I have a really good experience since I was SAPA back when I first joined the server. I would say 9/10.
Talk about your RP experience: As I said above, I was SAPA and everyone knows that it's a group where you can learn how real RPs works and improve yourself. And now after a long time experiencing and doing many RPs I think my RPs are acceptable and sometimes can be remarkable. But, I'm still improving myself till the end.
Write a short RP story related to rebels: Any children's dream is to become a doctor, teacher, engineer and many other jobs. But in a random galaxy, in a random planet, in a random continent, in a random city, in a random neighborhood, In a random house. There lived a young boy called ''Sadaam Kruger'' who suffered a lot ever since he was a kid. He was forced to kill his parents by his hands. He had to watch his brother and his 2 sisters getting killed infront of him. He had to watch all his friends,neighbors sceraming, running, dying infront of his little eyes. His only sin was because he lived in a place where Amaricans took over the country. But Sadaam's story didn't end here, he survived somehow the attack, the danger that happend. And he became not interested in anything, he just wants revenge for his mother,dad, brother and everyone who took a part in his little heart. That's why he joined a group of rebels their goal is the return of peace and the guarantee of freedom even if they had to bloodshed.
Add a photo of a rebel please: :::
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Dear @Nishki

Thank you for your interest in Al-Munazama. We have seen your effort. On behalf of the organization, I would like to announce that your application has been ~[accepted]~(red). Welcome!

Thank you for your interest in Al-Munazama. We have expected you more than you do now. On behalf of the organization, I would like to announce that your application is still ~[pending]~(orange). Try to show more interest in the organization, prove us you are better than this.

Thank you for your interest in Al-Munazama aswell. We are still discussing your application in the HQ team. For now your application ~[under review]~(navy,navy). Try to participate in activities more. You will get your final answer soon.

Same as Faysal, We are still discussing your application in the HQ team. For now your application ~[under review]~(navy,navy). Try to participate in activities more. You will get your final answer soon.


Part 1 - Player Info

Ingame nick: I'm known as UE|Kim

Real Name: My real name is Kim

Account name: fargada2356

Nationality: Korean

Rate your English Skills (0/10): I'd rate my English skills 6/10

Current Organization: Underground Empire

Current Group List:

  • InvestArms Corporation

  • The Motor Heads

  • Cunning Stunts

Player 2 - Role-Play Info

*Rate your RP skills (0/10): I'd rate my RP skills 7.5/10

Talk about your RP experience: I've done bunch of roleplays in IAC & TMH media archives, afterall i do have a good roleplay experience,i've been practicing a roleplay since i had joined in the server, im doing my best within the roleplays, i've decided this group because my roleplay skills suits to it!

Write a short RP story related to rebels: Years have passed now. The past time las venturas south senator Mr. Albert Newton was involved in a corruption case due to which he did not pass orders of road maintainence and that caused my family to met with an road accident. Time had now come to take the revenge in a salty manner, by letting him know what that meant to him. The retired minister was at his home in the locality's prime location where I drove with my bike and a loaded silenced pistol. Had to escape the vision of guards as I jumped the fence and executed the minister at his very own home with a handwritten letter of revenge kept on his dead corpse.

Add a photo of a rebel please :


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Part 1 - Player Info
Ingame nick: Rivals
Real Name: Diogo
Account name: nobita354
Nationality: Portuguese
Rate your English Skills (0/10): 9/10
Current Organization: OverdoseCrime
Current Group List: San Andreas Pirate

Player 2 - Role-Play Info
Rate your RP skills (0/10): 8.5/10
Talk about your RP experience: My RP story is not very long, I've done many PRs throughout my career in OverdoseCrime or as a member of it, I'm a member of the SAP, which also implies a great capacity for RP and imagination!
Write a short RP story related to rebels:


June 2019, day 2.
On a rainy day, San Andreas seemed calm, until it passed in the news that a high-ranking government official would hold a meeting and inaugurate the Los Santos bank.
The Rebels, always attentive to their surroundings, could not miss this fantastic opportunity.
Then they gathered everything they could, they planned everything they could and they waited until the exact height!

June 2019, day 3.
Huge crowds assembled already assembled, a member of the government about to arrive, but already in the sights of the rebels! And the speech began!

Few hours Later

Member of the Government already in place, after a long speech, about to cut the red ribbon to inaugurate the bank, was completely prevented!
Two suicide bombers exploded in the crowd, killing and wounding more than half, two trucks full of rebels who left without exits to the people.
However, this was all a distraction because the real secret weapon was at the rear of the bank, a small black super-trapped car that entered through the "emergency exit" door and exploded with the entire seat.
Sadly, the member of government escaped, but the rebels did not give up and continued on the hunt!


Add a photo of a rebel please:

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