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The compromise


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With all these discussions going on, we finally managed to get on a common ground with certain individuals from the cop side. This suggestion could be a good first step for future agreements and possible features.

The idea (Thanks to @Jay for the core of the idea) is to place vending machines at hospital or a little further away from the bank. The vending machines would offer products such as an energy drink which could enhance the speed and other products which could f.e heal the players; we can discuss the products in more detail here, and everyone is free to suggest anything else that could be added in the vending machine. I want to focus on the speed feature mainly.

The general purpose of this suggestion is that, instead of removing scripts to balance the sides, the server should add new features to make it more challenging and enjoyable. As the speed feature was being discussed lately(Important remark: the discussion was not just about balancing both sides but also about the script being a 'silly' mechanic. But as the poll in Kain's topic has shown, the majority does not agree with removing the speed feature, namely because it is fun to use), this is how the vending machine could stop the discussions about speed or drugs dealers in general:

  • The vending machine could sell an energy drink which gives everyone 1.15, 1.2 or 1.25 more speed. Honestly I think 1.2 is more fair and you will understand after reading the next points

  • Drugs dealers will still sell a speed drug which SHOULD be faster than the energy drink in the vending machine, but both the seller and the buyer will get wanted stars, THUS @Lincoln's suggestion should be reconsidered, and the drug will be more expensive. This will get rid of cops spawning as drugs dealer at BR and the general drugs dealers camping at hospital to sell as there is a vending machine which everyone can access, which could potentially improve the economy as well, as the speed feature is being over-bought. Finally, criminals won't be able to camp at jail unwanted with drugs, so that they can prepare themselves to rush into jail easily.

  • As the current speed drug makes you 1.3 times faster, I propose that buying the energy drink must make you 1.2 in this case, or even 1.15, as cops already have shotgun, but this could be discussed.

Personally, I think this vending machine has way more pros than cons and definitely is a way to improve the server, balancing both sides and the economy. As this idea is seriously being considered by certain staff members, I would like to know your opinions and if you agree with the idea, maybe share suggestions what other products could be added to the vending machine. Thanks for readin!

Edit: PC dogs SHOULD NOT be allowed to buy any of these.

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About the HP i can see a Candi bar being used or a protain shake , i also would like to see something else that was discussed on discord during that suggestion about adrenaline shots for medics yes they can bias like the drug dealers but since its something everyone can spawn ,you can ask a friend to do spawn for you and would have the same effect of energy drink or maybe a lower boost since its something you can access on the spot unlike energy drinks

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@Crash said in The compromise:

About the HP i can see a Candi bar being used or a protain shake , i also would like to see something else that was discussed on discord during that suggestion about adrenaline shots for medics yes they can bias like the drug dealers but since its something everyone can spawn ,you can ask a friend to do spawn for you and would have the same effect of energy drink or maybe a lower boost since its something you can access on the spot unlike energy drinks

If lower boost then it could be considered, because the compensation for drugs dealers is the wanted stars. Would make it more expensive tho to motivate people to buy from vending machine and help fix the economy a little

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I find this as a good combination of all suggestions that were suggested before,not only less problems about speed,and as Crash said a candi bar,a protein shake could be used as HP,we could also attach onto one of Mrwans idea about proteins that will make you a tiny bit damage resistant that could be put as a protein or as alcohol such as rakia basically any strong alcohol but when you buy alcohol of course you will get some kinda drunk.This a big yes from me.

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@Adistar said in The compromise:

@Crash said in The compromise:

About the HP i can see a Candi bar being used or a protain shake , i also would like to see something else that was discussed on discord during that suggestion about adrenaline shots for medics yes they can bias like the drug dealers but since its something everyone can spawn ,you can ask a friend to do spawn for you and would have the same effect of energy drink or maybe a lower boost since its something you can access on the spot unlike energy drinks

If lower boost then it could be considered, because the compensation for drugs dealers is the wanted stars. Would make it more expensive tho to motivate people to buy from vending machine and help fix the economy a little

yeh if we put energy drinks as 1.2 this should be a small boost like 1.1 maybe 1.15 but then the difference to energy drink might not bee much would need some tryouts i guess but yeh that should be the counter like speed got its own about wanted

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You could also take a look at this suggestion which Is something cool that'll make more options other than just speed.


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@Mrwan said in The compromise:

You could also take a look at this suggestion which Is something cool that'll make more options other than just speed.


I would like to bring this topic to attention as it contains more ideas to get added to the vending machine, impacting the combat gameplay a lot in a positive way I believe

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I think to don t change nothing, it s the best solution, speed for criminals is the main thing for counter hls armor or kill arrest during banks,jailsbreaks, the machine just will grow up more chaotic situations.
Everyone creating suggestion, i want to create mine too, and it s about to stop create suggestions.

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Both sides are balanced now i think. But lets be realists. Since RPG is something similar to real life, then I dont see anything bad about removing food dealers from BRs, but also cops must NOT be taking drugs. Wanted level must be added to both sides (buyer and seller), same goes for arms dealers. I support vending machine thing since its something new. Last months I saw nothing new on saes, just only admins changing old things in the way they like, which imo making the gameplay even worse. I think they must be making polls a bit more often to avoid negative reaction from the community, so it doesnt seem like they are the only ones playing on this server.

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I think that speed drugs is a game breaking feature, and I had voted for it to be completely removed, or you know, nerfed somehow that you can't empty an entire combat shotgun clip in just 2 seconds, basicly making it only effect the running speed but most people disagreed with it.

People who are saying that ''speed drugs have been in the server for a very long time'', and this matter to remove it is just being brought up now only because cops don't want it is an unvalid argument, it is only being brought up now because in the past, level 5 gangs didn't have 2 seperate selling abilities and everyone went for arms dealing instead of drugs, and you couldn't request a selling ability which did not fit your gang's roleplay, basically it was only HS which had drugs selling ability as their first and main roleplay, so it wasn't that popular among other gangs, hence its usage was very limited and it wasn't as easy as today to find a player with speed drugs, so it wasn't bothering anyone because speed drugs wasn't involved in the gameplay as much as it is right now, it's exactly the opposite nowadays, it's hard to find a criminal which doesn't have speed drugs since the only gang that stands by its RP role nowadays is just AA, all others have drugs / guns regardless of their RP roles.

What you're suggesting here will even increase the usage of speed drugs, it will basically be COPS with speed drugs vs CRIMINALS with speed drugs, (it kinda is like that nowadays, and I hate to stop by a drug dealer to get speed drugs everytime I respawn, just to keep up with the rest of the criminals) so why not just make it cops with no drugs at all vs criminals with no drugs at all? Why should we make a game breaking feature even more used, rather than just removing it or nerfing it somehow to make it more appropriate for the game mechanics?

I'm abstaining from voting and proposing to either remove or nerf the speed drugs so that it only affects the running speed so criminals cant complain about the rubber shotgun, and if that happens, maybe only then it could be a great idea to make the speed effect items more popular around the server and I would vote yes, because right now in its current state, speed effect is an overpowered gamebreaking shit, and having everyone running around as super sonics and shooting as if they were lucky luke isn't really the best thing.

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@Terry said in The compromise:

What I'm proposing is to either remove or nerf the speed drugs so that it only affects the running speed so criminals cant complain about the rubber shotgun, and if that happens, maybe only then it would be a great idea to make the speed effect items more popular around the server, because right now in its current state, speed effect is an overpowered gamebreaking shit, and having everyone running around as super sonics and shooting as if they were lucky luke isn't really the best thing.

Sir, you want to remove SPEED just because you are bothered by a criminal killing you, let me tell you that SPEED is not only used to kill you, but for other things as well. Jesus just have fun ingame!

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@Terry as written in the topic, there was a voting made by Kain and it is clear that the majority does not agree with your stance on Speed. That's why it is better to find a common ground that would satisfy both sides at least, and this suggestion could be one.

Another thing I've stated is that this suggestion is just the first step for new features in the future hopefully. The idea could be expanded to even an inventory system which may solve your problem about having to buy drugs everytime, but as I honestly don't see SAES implementing something big anytime soon, suggesting the entire idea step by step would be better

@James - Perhaps explain why it is bad?

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So yeah speed is something important nowadays but I don't remember it as something 1 year ago the only thing that made it really broken was the allowance of selling it inside Bank Rob which literally made lot of problems, maybe half of the problems so why not decreasing the use of it like adding the vending machine but you can't use the vending machine two times in 30 minutes. Now it is time to get it balanced for criminals, Remove the rubber shotgun or killarrest, one of the features which made cops Overpowered especially with the dogs. This way, it can be balanced enough. Even though, i'm still voting for the Compromise since it is one of the perfect solutions i have seen so far.

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@Kybali0n did you even bother reading my entire post? I'm literally destroying your argument of saying ''yOu WaNt To ReMoVe SpEeD jUsT BeCaUsE CriMs KiLL yOu'' in my second paragraph.


I hated it when I was a criminal, it was one of the reasons I hated turfing because everyone there buys speed drugs and becomes a super sonic, I still hate it when I'm a cop, I hate it because it's a goddamn game breaking feature and is given out like candies to every gang regardless of their RP roles.


I can't understand why most people prefer to have everyone playing with x1.3 speed rather than have them all play with the default speed, fair enough many people voted in favour of speed drugs staying, but I really struggle to see a valid reasoning behind it.


Rubber bullets used to slow down a criminal on foot isn't much a problem though, is it? It only comes in handy in 1v1 situations, rubber bullets are commonly not used in BRs, SRs, it's mainly used in street patrols and to be honest cops are supposed to have an advantage on 1v1 foot chase.

About making the speed drugs only affect running speed, I see your point there, in BR, it would be more of an advantage to cops than it is to criminals, that's why my first suggestion was to entirely remove it rather than nerfing it, but seeing many people don't want it gone forever, what would be your idea to nerf it somehow that it'd equally benefit both sides, but also not be so OP at the same time? I'm willing to hear.

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@Terry said in The compromise:

I think that speed drugs is a game breaking feature, and I had voted for it to be completely removed, or you know, nerfed somehow that you can't empty an entire combat shotgun clip in just 2 seconds, basicly making it only effect the running speed but most people disagreed with it.

People who are saying that ''speed drugs have been in the server for a very long time'', and this matter to remove it is just being brought up now only because cops don't want it is an unvalid argument, it is only being brought up now because in the past, level 5 gangs didn't have 2 seperate selling abilities and everyone went for arms dealing instead of drugs, and you couldn't request a selling ability which did not fit your gang's roleplay, basically it was only HS which had drugs selling ability as their first and main roleplay, so it wasn't that popular among other gangs, hence its usage was very limited and it wasn't as easy as today to find a player with speed drugs, so it wasn't bothering anyone because speed drugs wasn't involved in the gameplay as much as it is right now, it's exactly the opposite nowadays, it's hard to find a criminal which doesn't have speed drugs since the only gang that stands by its RP role nowadays is just AA, all others have drugs / guns regardless of their RP roles.

What you're suggesting here will even increase the usage of speed drugs, it will basically be COPS with speed drugs vs CRIMINALS with speed drugs, (it kinda is like that nowadays, and I hate to stop by a drug dealer to get speed drugs everytime I respawn, just to keep up with the rest of the criminals) so why not just make it cops with no drugs at all vs criminals with no drugs at all? Why should we make a game breaking feature even more used, rather than just removing it or nerfing it somehow to make it more appropriate for the game mechanics?

I'm abstaining from voting and proposing to either remove or nerf the speed drugs so that it only affects the running speed so criminals cant complain about the rubber shotgun, and if that happens, maybe only then it could be a great idea to make the speed effect items more popular around the server and I would vote yes, because right now in its current state, speed effect is an overpowered gamebreaking shit, and having everyone running around as super sonics and shooting as if they were lucky luke isn't really the best thing.

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Drug is good as it is, how funny would turf wars be or bank robberies be if we were knocked down by 5 cops returning every 2 seconds to the same place.

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@brotherhoodman are you incapable of reading? What does it have anything to do with criminals losing power? Criminals are not the only ones using drugs in BRs, cops use it as much as crims do. Stop posting here without even bothering to read what was mentioned.

I'll apply a Bartman method for your brain to be able to perceive my point.

This is what we have right now:
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And this was the motive of removing the speed drugs:
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It's only 3 seconds of slowing down to be correct, not 5. My point and motive of proposing to get rid of speed drugs was more about being sick from people being able to empty an entire combat shotgun clip in just 2 seconds, rather than it being about people being able to run faster, hence I suggested to nerf it so that it only affects your running speed, but you said it'd bring a disadvantage to criminals in BRs, I said I see your point. Rubber bullets shotgun comes in handy only in 1v1 situations, which are on FOOT, and it can easily be countered if criminals are more than just 1 and most criminals don't go around on their own, do they? Hence I don't see it being a problem tbh.

This suggestion can still go forward, I'm not voting against it, but only if the speed drugs effects could be somehow fixed because as I early mentioned that in its current state, speed effect is an overpowered gamebreaking feature, and it's up to us to think and debate on how it could be less game breaking, hence I'm asking your opinion on how to nerf it rather than just making it effect the running speed.

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@Rzz0 to be honest that's debatable, the way I see it is it all depends on the range between the cop and criminal, if it's not very close, crim stands a good chance to eliminate the cop even on his own even when he's hit with rubber bullets

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I like this idea a lot and think it would change the mechanics of gameplay and would be good to test.

However I do think that speed or any form of it whether that be energy drink or drugs, should not impede on how quick you fire a weapon but only your speed at which you run, climb, jump and swim.

Or to reduce the speed affect when someone shoots. I think to be able to shoot 7 shots from a cs in around 2 seconds is just dumb for both criminals and cops.

I like your idea behind the running speed multipler, 1.3x if you risk it with drugs and 1.2 if you buy legal, sounds great.

So to sum it up, would be great to try new mechanic as you explained. However can we make speed only affect running/jumping/climbing instead of how fast you fire a weapon.

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@Terry said in The compromise:

@brotherhoodman are you incapable of reading? What does it have anything to do with criminals losing power? Criminals are not the only ones using drugs in BRs, cops use it as much as crims do. Stop posting here without even bothering to read what was mentioned.

I'll apply a Bartman method for your brain to be able to perceive my point.

This is what we have right now:
alt text

And this was the motive of removing the speed drugs:
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It's only 3 seconds of slowing down to be correct, not 5. My point and motive of proposing to get rid of speed drugs was more about being sick from people being able to empty an entire combat shotgun clip in just 2 seconds, rather than it being about people being able to run faster, hence I suggested to nerf it so that it only affects your running speed, but you said it'd bring a disadvantage to criminals in BRs, I said I see your point. Rubber bullets shotgun comes in handy only in 1v1 situations, which are on FOOT, and it can easily be countered if criminals are more than just 1 and most criminals don't go around on their own, do they? Hence I don't see it being a problem tbh.

This suggestion can still go forward, I'm not voting against it, but only if the speed drugs effects could be somehow fixed because as I early mentioned that in its current state, speed effect is an overpowered gamebreaking feature, and it's up to us to think and debate on how it could be less game breaking, hence I'm asking your opinion on how to nerf it rather than just making it effect the running speed.

that drawing skills tho.

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@Terry said in The compromise:

it's hard to find a criminal which doesn't have speed drugs since the only gang that stands by its RP role nowadays is just AA, all others have drugs / guns regardless of their RP roles.

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