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Welcome to my Cuban Cars Activities topic, Here I'll be posting all my mechanic activities where you could find patrols and roleplays ,events .

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Activity #3
Date: 19/12/2019
Activity: Roleplay
RP Partecipants: @Poodlyz
I was cleaning my truck at garage and i got a phone call from Mme Laura asking for a fast mechanical help , she is stuck in red country mountain road due to her broken wheel , i took my box tools fast and drive my truck to he mountain , the road was really bad and hard to drive in , when i arrived i found Mme Laura raging and heating her back left wheel so i talked to her to calm her down .and i started my job , i took carefully the flat tire and i place it on the ground in close proximity to the suspended flat tire , i took my wrench and used it to loosen the hub cap on the tire that is damaged. Once the hub cap is removed i placed it to the side. Then i i used the lug wrench to loosen the lug nuts on the wheel with the flat tire. After that i used my mechanical truck jack to lift the car off of the ground. To remove the tire so i spin the already loosened lug nuts and i put it side then i removed the wheel from the car i graped the spare next and i putted the new wheel and its time to lower the car to he ground and last i tighten the Lugs and i made sure that i tighten all the lugs down nice and snug. finally My job is done here i Gathered up all my tools and i putted them in the truck trunk . Mme Laura paid me for my work and i ask her to drive carefully the rest of the road .
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Activity #4
Date: 19/12/2019
Activity: Hanging/Impounding around SA
Cuban Cars Member's: @TaJ , @Ardron , helpers : @Paradox
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Activity #5
Date: 20/12/2019
Activity: Hanging/Impounding around SA
Cuban Cars Member's: @TaJ , @Knele , @Trevor ; helper : @Brooks
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Activity #6
Date: 22/12/2019
Activity: Hanging/Impounding around SA
Cuban Cars Member's: @Crash , @Trevor ; helpers : @zKill98 , @Paradox ,@LAW , @Draven
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