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In-game name: Raf
Account login name: raefmlaih
Roleplay name: Frank.Johnson
Tell us About yourself(100words above): Hello, im Raf and im 13 years old i start playing MTA 3 years ago and SAES 3 years ago too, so i have good skills in real life and in games, im a helpful guy and im a respectful guy, I want help someone who needs me... So I have many favorites sport like Football/ basketball/ handball, Im a Sportif guy :'D.im study in a prep school, I have not many friends but no problem, I like the English and i wanna improve my self bec im not so good, also im pro gamer in some games, I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers we are all respectful and helpful.
Have you ever got banned/punished?: yes, I get ban 1 time no reason but im unbanned now.
Reason(s): Brophy thought im an admin in other server but now they knew im not and he unbanned me.

~[STAGE II]~(#f0b811)

Define what is SaC's Roleplay(50words): SaC is group who defend the sea they always stay and the sea and defend it, so the pirates is the enemies we need to be able to remove them from the sea they are our bad enemies Sac/Pirates the some, so if we saw them there we need to remove them arrest them or kill them.
What is all SaC rules?:
1/Talk English in main chat
2/Respect Staffs/Admins
3/Must be read the F1 Rules
4/Do not ask for a promotion
5/Do not bother HQ Teams and all SAES Players/Admins/Staffs
6/Pirates is our enemy! if you see them in the sea, better kill/arrest them!
7/You can only arrest Pirates if they have 10+ stars!
8/If you left within the next 7 Days, you'll be blacklisted.
Give us 5 F1 Rules:
1/Don't DM
2/Don't do Marker kill
3/don't do Parking kill
4/don't do marker arrest
5/ don't revenge DM.
Previous Roleplay Groups: N/A
Current Roleplay Groups: SAPA, Cluck, and SaC
Current Gang/Squad/Company: SAFP
Previous Gang/Squad/Company: ICE and FBI
Reason for Leaving/Kicked: i left ICE because they won't respect me they always insult me and i left FBI for some problems.

~[STAGE III]~(#f0b811)

Give us a roleplay story that define's your roleplay name/sac role: In a day, i find some pirates with a boat, like u know Pirates our enemies so without any patient i called on the radio all my teammates and I back to take my friends... so after some mins we surrounded them and we told them to let their weapons done so so easily they weren't so good than us, we called the cops and they went to the jail.
Give us a photo of Coastguards Saluting and Patroling in the sea(2pictures)


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Give us a photo of yourself while doing /comeatme ingame.:


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What Position you would like? Major/HQ?: Assistance vL
Why did you choose that position?: I choose this position because I wanna help my group and train the new members and teach them.

~[STAGE IV]~(#f0b811)

What is your current position in the group?: HQ
Give us 3 SR Rules: Don't kill your teammates / don't spawn crim and help the crims/ don't/ don't kill crims who they are not at SR (near the SR)
Give us 3 BR Rules: one gang is allowed o do max 2 BRs per day/ gang can't start rob with 1 member only in the bank/camping entrance of the bank once BR is not allowed.
Give s 3 Turf Rules: you can only use ur gang's spawn or hospital in the turf/ if u are killing in the turf while the turf is going on it's not counted as DM/ when u are as cop u are able to arrest both during a turf war.
Give us 3 GR Rules: Do not do the GR alone/ the CLO and DE not permitted to do it/ not permitted if u are crim and u spawn as a cop in the gang rob
Why did you decide to apply for a promotion?(50words above): I decided to apply for this rank because I wanna help my group to keep it up and make it better than the past, also I wanna teach and help the new members and train them to be ranked up to help us to keep this group up also im promise I will do my best and I will work hard for it.

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So, after having a discussion with hq teams, we receive a negative feedback from them,. So consider yourself as



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Re-apply as promotion next month.(jan,20,2020


alt metni
Account name: maxismuz4141
In game name: Freezie
Age: 16
Country of where you living in: Los santos U.K
Current G/S/C: TWAT
Current Roleplay Groups: N/A
State what is our Role You guys Cop side SAP
English Profeciency(0-10):10
What's your discord tag?(if you dont have leave this blank): Freezoom#0227
Tell us a bit about yourself(30words)
Hi Me Freezie I'm 16 years old I love the suck @DROT dick

State what is rule number 6: fuck the pirates when you see them
State what is rule number 2: respect everyone
State whatis rule number 1: talk english in mainchat
If you saw a pirate in the sea, will you arrest/kill him? why? ofc I love do DM
Your Groupmate is in trouble with the Pirates, and he is asking for a help, but you are doing something busy, will you help him?: I will help him
If you passed the Probationary Stage, what posistion you would like?(Sea Defender, Pirate Hunter, Sea Patrolman)?: TWAT Hunter

Why do you want to be apart of San andreas Coastguards?: bec they are pro
What can you benefit to us?: I'm TWAT
How many Hours you have ingame?: 1500+
How many arrest you have ingame?: 4K+



*So our HQ team have decided to cloae the grouo because we're dropping the activity. Also, our all HQ team is being busy eithh their organization.

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