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Carry Foods/Drugs



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So as we know all. we can't carry drugs and foods. we only buy them to drug/dealers, pizzaboy and stores... so my suggestion is , why don't we carry them?. it will be good for criminals/police. in order to carry them. buy a piece of drugs to drugdealers. like if u buy them, it will go to ur pocket/backpack. in order to use them. u wil lgo to ur backpack and rightclick and there will be selection. "use" , "drop" , "throw away", "bind drug/food. use means u'll use the drug u selected. drop means u will drop them. throw away means u'll delete them and bind drug/food means u'll bind a key to use that drug like. they will ask u "What bind do you like to use it?" then you'll select a key. and for food it's the same way. and there will be a backpack too! , you'll buy them for any price. like $1,500... and 5slots. $5,000 for 10slots and more...! so click yes if you aggree to my sugegstion and click no for not.

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Why don't we limit the amount of things you carry? So no cops or criminals will continuously heal up or speed up, like just 2-3 drug packs can be carried over?
And you can even buy bigger backpacks etc. (like in PUBG)?
This is something that might fix the server economy as well.

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Im aware this will get op in the most cases. But hey! Its still realistic and i would enjoy this as fuck! Even tho cops will have the same ability to have food/drugs on brs and such, so do we, whats the point in complaining then? Both sides are allowed to use it simple.

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I personally do not like the idea as not having backpacks is what makes SAES unique. The ability to carry drugs and food completely changes gameplay and I personally do not like it.

Its also very similar to other popular servers and we should not be trying to copy them but be better.

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