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This photo service was provided by Kool Times News & free for Desert Eagles' Recruitment. Photos were taken with game smoothness at the least, due to the lag that I was having.
A brief description has been added to the pictures, some slightly hilarous, non roleplay notes.

Soon when results are out you will see an article and interviews with DE experienced members, and the new recruits, so stay tuned...!


KTN Official Topic
KTN Official Media

You can now request KTN photo services! Just PM @Combine or @Zombie for an arrangement with us or any of our photographer section employees.


Some people died before the recruitment even started!

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Their faces reflected poor agony and nervousness.

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This smartass just realised his pistol has the same name as his army, Desert Eagles.

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They walked through a path, I guess as a start training to test their discipline.

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All who managed to simply walk and reach a couple meters further to a test area, well done.

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They were all shitting their pants at this point.

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The test area, time for the truth.

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A photo from a higher perspective.

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SAES>Patrol as General of the Army has given instructions, the first test will involve parachuting

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They value the skills and consider who passed the test, here they need to land.

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Watch this noob, it's better on the middle honey...

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The second test, with SAES>Kain watching and explaining instructions, which involved driving.

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Those who passed these two tests were lined up to a voting, to make the final test, a TDM.

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Teams done and ready for the rock!

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A photo I made thinking "yeah nice views" - Oh yeah, we are on the training ground now!

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These two are trippin' so hard they don't know if they are playing MTA or Counter Strike

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Hold position, but not too much, campers!

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Oh well, twenty minutes later with sticky boxers full of poop they start to move!

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Yeah stay closer that's a good tactic chaps!

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This guy on his knees hasn't moved yet, I think he's literally pooping.

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This brother from the west occidental probably died, but he ate some nice sushi before the test.

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Military Commander Patrol, showing off his new glasses he bought at a vietnamese store.

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The match ended with its deaths and survivors, but results are not yet out!

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Thanks for watching,

On Behalf of Kool Times News,
KTN CEO Combine


Awesome work Combine. Can't wait to see what you'll do on CLO rec ......... ohhhhh right, nvm, maybe DD .... ops again, they're already dead.

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