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actives of server in cops


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i hope make new things for cops.like rise money of arrest, make new skins if they got more arrest,rise time of jail like 420 to 600,and more squads member got arrest more than any clan in week or month got reward,and they got demoted if they Dont got like 1000 arrest in week or month. try make all trainers cop go in squads and learn them to be pro and give them more Objectives,regroup, tactic,for make any one want be cop.
i talk like that even now aim crime. and soon i go gang.
but really boring when almost all time no cops in game. make no challenge like game go in 1 side i love play in saesrpg. good players and i find good friends but we must have changes in our server or after while all will be boring from it hope that never happen.


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@LAW said in actives of server in cops:

try read in first topic what i say what i fear about our future in server i just say things for make server stable
we are like 100 crime vs 10 or 20 maybe less cops just try read full topic maybe aim wrong or right we all have
different views but we all agreed to make our server better not only now in all time

Then making the server stable is increasing 600 secs??, I see a good activity in cops, they lately have stopped many BR's and many gangs can confirm it, I include AA! U just look for u benefit, cuz if cops would team up, u would not say this bullshit ;D Its not our fault ppl prefer crims than cops, for that reason u chosed that side knowing that or no? !
Then if u make 600 secs, I suggest delete kill arrest ;)

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Cop side requires patience, which is not found on more than half of the server. That's why we have less cops.
I mean patroling around is one of the most enjoyable things you could do in any MTA server. Cop side is not boring, you just need to wait someone to do crazy things around so you can team up and bust their arses - patience is the key. If there is no team, criminals will fuck you up because most of the time they are hanging around in groups like Turfs, SR or BR. Thus, criminal side is fun because you corporate and do the missions even with the people you don't know. At cop side you need to have a team in order to deal with these situations, otherwise it is an undeniable fact that you are not a Chuck Norris.

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For me personaly main issue with cop side is lack of the teamwork/cooperation between the squads. Once squad gets created they tend to think like they're the best, they have no serious allies whatsoever.

When it comes to criminal activities such as SR's or BR's you need teamwork and it gives you more fun as you connect with other people. Cops just come alone with their squad mates which are in most of the cases outnumbered (like 2 up to 5 squad mates top). How can squad member stay loyal to the cop side if nothing keeps him there? Ofcourse he will chose gang that will treat him as a family member and will give him tones of experience he will never forget.
I personaly wouldnt blame scripts or balance but lack of any creativity from the squads. Cops got lazy as fuck, they just keep getting stuff but they dont even wanna use it (saw multiple times when many cops (enuff to stop br) would just 'chill' at LVX while brs and then blame balance lol).

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To be honest its cops fault that they made their job so boring. I am sorry but you all act like trainees, whenever you see a wanted person you jump on him like some wild hogs. You do not even use your RP binds (if you have those) anymore. It has been 2 months already and I did only one police RP by a sheriff and thats it, nobody has ever offered me a roleplay. Before my years long inactivity i was in SAPA (and SAFP but im not sure) and things didn't work like that. There was organization, squads raiding store robberies, banks and whatever criminal activity TOGETHER. There were still 3 times more criminals but we pulled out as a team. Now you are all trying to copy SWAT and go after the bad guys just to arrest them or kill them. There is no roleplay at all (which is a fun part of being a cop) and to be honest I really don't know how you - squads are still able to hold up and not just die.

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thats the thing iam telling everytime, cops dont hold togheter, when kain/nano/magnus comes, than seems like everyone teamup, but if noone of them on, all are playing for themself. just go togheter, its rlly not hard, even AAPD have more teaming skills atm than most or even all squads

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I remember time ago when SAFP was active around with Halo, Panchoo or Abdallah from FOX, those guys had wat we as crims have: (teamwork), u rarely see 1 crim alone, most of times we hang in group with their gangmates/or friends, it was too interesting seeing a SAFP vehicle coming with 4 cops inside and crim dropping a nade (when nade was allowed at SR's) and at those times the cops didnt cry like now cuz they kept their role.! before they catch us to keep their role and having fun, now they kill for logs/ for kill stats / for arrests in stats!

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I'm just talking for myself right now. I never go to SR because I rather patrol and chase people. I have zero interest in a rooftop full of people standing there waiting till it's done. An adam unit is much more fun, in my opinion.

Not that I don't want to team up, but I rather do other things.

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I can agree also with this but we dont see much cops at SR because of the reason @Ramby mentioned. Every now and then, some squads do pop up at SRs and cops do actually stop them. If everybody would come and help, im in!

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@Script100 said in actives of server in cops:


I can agree also with this but we dont see much cops at SR because of the reason @Ramby mentioned. Every now and then, some squads do pop up at SRs and cops do actually stop them. If everybody would come and help, im in!

The problem is there are not many police playing, squats in there base chatting or AFK, with so many criminal in store robbery @Ramby knows that he has no chance and just get killed, but if we all try we have some hope,otherwise it's doesn't make sense to play as cop if we don't show up in SR.

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