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Add forum signatures!



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For those of you that may not know what a signature is:
alt text
alt text
'All rights reserved to whoever designed it'

It would be cool to have these things on our forum for so many reasons

  • Players will be able to show off with their signatures

  • It will revive the designing section

  • The server gangs/squads/groups might have their own designed signatures and that would be very cool!

  • It will make the forum look better in general

To avoid size related problems we can all agree on 1 specific size for a signature like 450*180!
Ps. A designing section should be added, there used to be one on old forums but now it's just gone.

Well, that's my suggestion, I tried to keep it short and simple. Tell me what you think!

Kind regards,

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18 answers to this question

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  • Players will be able to show off with their signatures

Who cares?

  • It will revive the designing section

Most of the designers that are on this community are not even designers, as you can't call design going onto an online photo editor and doing already-done shit

  • The server gangs/squads/groups might have their own designed signatures and that would be very cool!

Back 2011 we had group userbars, even then, it was something pathetic to show off

  • It will make the forum look better in general

It will definitely make the forums look worst, no need for fancy shit

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As a designer myself I think this would be great and I have used a signature on every other forum Ive had. @Combine Just because your boring and/or dont care about creavity then dont use it. But I think it would be cool esp having your g/s/c in your signature.

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I know this... I didn't plus one it to ''showoff'' anything.. And it might look weird but from a graphic designer standpoint I think it would be cool. Same as reacher but I can tell no ones down with it so I'll step out. Half of the suggestions never happen anyways even if everyone votes yes. But @Reacher I suggest you start a topic if you wanna show off your designs and get some customers. But this is a rip.

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You guys are complete fucking buzzkills. If someone wants to show off ''How cool they are" does that get under your skin? If you don't wanna see the images on each post that's one thing and there should be an option to disable it. But you are all going for a more personal touch. You guys are the reason people stopped using creative myspace and went to boring facebook. Wait nvm im sorry some of you are too young to know what myspace is. But its something when a tiny ass userbar upsets you so much because maybe you think the person is cooler then you lol

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I don't lnow why y'all have an 'already made' decision about this.. that's pretty weird, why don't we try something new for once? I totally agree with what Reggi is saying. The lack of creativity in your lives is affecting your opinions towards 'change'. If those 'pathetic potatos' can not adapt with signatures, there will be a 'disable' buttom and they can simply press it.

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Signatures end up being abused and also make the forum perform slower (when people decide to start taking the piss with 900 images of 900x900px)

We have a large community here and performance of the site is paramount, if I did enable it and in a few months/years time it starts slowing the site down (which is currently rapid), who do you think the first people to moan about it are? Yes, you guessed it, the same people who asked for signatures in the first place.

At this moment in time, the answer is no.

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C'mon, that's bullshit Brophy it is going to be 1 single image of 450*180px size! You know that! It won't slow shit down! The only thing slowing down here is these idiots' braincells.. other forums do have signatures and there's nothing wrong with them..

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@Reacher , @Reggi The point is not about how cool you might look with it, the point of the denial from my side was it is simply pointless.
What's the point in using a signature? For what? What will it improve? How will it be better if a post can have 2 words but the signature would take half of the screen?
Just think practically.

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Just wanna add it to make people see how badass and cool you are ? and make designers gain a huge shit load of money ??
Nah, forums are good and i prefer having other modifications for it .. (There are alot can be added)

People can identify you from your forum profile and "About me" and it's not that hard to press on someone's profile to see who is that guy.

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@brophy said in Add forum signatures!:

Signatures end up being abused and also make the forum perform slower (when people decide to start taking the piss with 900 images of 900x900px)

We have a large community here and performance of the site is paramount, if I did enable it and in a few months/years time it starts slowing the site down (which is currently rapid), who do you think the first people to moan about it are? Yes, you guessed it, the same people who asked for signatures in the first place.

At this moment in time, the answer is no.

god has spoken.


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