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I dont understand some changes on server


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I've seen some changes that i dont understand why were made. Like deleting old trucker job, lowering new trucker payment (DE Naval Base - Area 51 mission was about 40k, now 8k HAHA), deleting captain job, X glue function disabled, no 'Lock' button on ALT GR menu when you are outside of car, SR is made automatically(manual choice worse?). Can some SAES explain me why it was made and return it back if possible?

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@gunslinger said in I dont understand some changes on server:

alt text
Why this modshop is removed? (LV, near car shop and pay'n'spray)
Can car color be chosen again by palitre, not only color code? (do you think is it easy to everyone to use color code?)

that modshop is probably bugged and an admin needs to restart it.

if you want to choose car color by palette then double click the box to get it. You can write the color code in there as well

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Verry fun! @Bunny when bad connection has benefit of playing in this server! Also you have to understand if there were 4 crims vs 4 cops, cops would have lead. The changes admins should work on is not benefit cop in arresting, but to give other jobs for cops. Criminals can do turfs brs srs. Cops like ooga booga running to arrest in all scenarios.

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----Changing trucker job's
I remember moment when were two spawns Trucker and Trucker v2 (is it able to bring it back?) Beacause illegal trucking was fun when you beeing chased for criminal cargo and get well payment for it.
----High inflation (on SAES)
Where can i read about it? Or can you explain here?
----Glue on cars
Both sides (cops and criminals - balance) can do it (before) and help each other with taking more people on car.
----Deleting captain job
How is it abuseable? Can it be edited to not be abuseable?

ANY SAES please comment

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----Changing truckers job's
Might be wrong but "trucker v2" was just a beta test that was in parallel with the old trucker spawn. Eventually the script got updated and the developers decided to replace "trucker" with "trucker v2".
----High inflation
Too much money going around in saes so they decrease the job payouts (especially seen with trucking job ~killed the trucking)
----Glue on cars
not realistic so they removed and some of the cars still got glue such as pickups and some trucks(bobcat, picador, yosemite, DFT, mesa)
---Deleting captain job
no idea how was it abuseable

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----Changing trucker job's
I remember moment when were two spawns Trucker and Trucker v2 (is it able to bring it back?) Beacause illegal trucking was fun when you beeing chased for criminal cargo and get well payment for it.
----High inflation (on SAES)
Where can i read about it? Or can you explain here?
----Glue on cars
Admin said that its not realistic. So before till 2018(or when it was disabled) it was realistic and now not realistic?
----Deleting captain job
How is it abuseable? Can it be edited to not be abuseable?

ANY SAES please comment

"We very much appreciate the fact you guys spend your own time to make the community/MTA server a better place"

a better place

i'm not sure its a better place with some of this changes

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I don't quite understand your topic either. Is it actual questions or bitching about changes that's happened over the last few years?

When we change something, we provide change-logs of what we do on discord, if people don't like certain things, they can post a poll on the forum and if it's not a stupid cancerous poll like Filex likes to create, you will get a response from us.

If you have any suggestions or bugs to report, use the saesrpg tracker on github ( https://bugs.saesrpg.uk )

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Lmao goodie just explained the inflation on the post above and you just didn't care
Either way the problem with inflation on saes is because currently we have 1B being generated per month and 200M being used (money that goes to /fr not another player) so every month there's a 800m increase to the economy in general

Captain job had a bug where you could do a 50K trip in 1 min and I guess noone got around to fix it for now

Trucker is still a work in progress it gets updated from time to time depending on feedback and also the script itself ain't 100% done yet from what I heard( so you never know illigal hauls might come back crude oil already got a illigal load option)

Glue on cars was removed because having 20 people glued on a car was just non very RP (not saying kill arrest is before any comments about that)

As Johnny said modshops got both options to choose color and that one appears to be bugged

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Let me weigh in as a dev.

Old trucker vs new trucker

The point of 2 jobs back in the day was to test then new script, hence the lower income which was later slightly increased, but remained low because of an issue how the income was calculated, how this was resolved in recent update will be said further down.

"Old trucker", won't be coming back, reason is quite simple, it's deprecated, has less features, no diversity and generally is inferior to the new one.

Judging from your topic, you seem to be a frequent trucker, with that being said, I am surprised you made this topic 2 weeks ago and somehow did not notice that 4 months ago (when the most recent trucking update was pushed) we included illegal trucking (granted a little different), increased payments, included truckers in the fuel economy and added bonus for hard to reach spots making the entire struggle more worth. That's how the payment issue was aided.

I think many people are looking at the money aspect too much and were too spoiled by the broken balancing we had back in the days that their entire argument of why something is shit, is because it's paid less compared to 2-3 years ago.

Captain job

Captain job was removed due to a crippling bug many of our players refused to report in time and rather abused it, and generally was often more broken than it worked.

Glue nerf

First we removed shooting because how stupid and overpowered it was when 15-20 people started spraying their guns, then we removed glue from regular passenger vehicles and restricted it to platform vehicles and pickups, such as Picador, DFT-30 etc. as a general vehicle ecosystem improvement, which encouraged players to use more vehicles and strategize their means of transportation more.
We have thousands, literally, mapped vehicles around the map, yet gangs and squads would use only 1 out of dozen in their fleet with everyone being glued on top. I understand why many liked this, out of practical reasons, but thousands of vehicles mapped around the map, which do put stress on our players and server mind you, should be used once in a while.

ALT-GR locking feature

You are free, as anyone else, to suggest a feature or open a discussion topic about one and we greatly appreciate it. We can not go through every topic and respond to every post because we have to utilize our free time and prioritize tasks if we want to accomplish anything. That doesn't mean we don't read suggestions.

SRs automatic

Yes, manual choice was worse. Criminals preferred few out of many locations due to low distance of travel, hard access for cops etc. Old House Robberies worked also automatically; for which was a great cry for to bring back, reason it can't happen is see first topic of my post.
We wanted to utilize more locations, spread out the players and break the monotony of same locations are few reasons.

There, hopefully I gave you answers you wanted. I'm sorry we can't cater to all, but we are trying to find the best golden middle and it is not as easy as many think. "Reverting" and "bringing back" is not a solution for everything. :)

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