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Closed Organisation  ·  67 members

Underground Empire

Underground Empire


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Ingame Name: Morpheus
Ingame username:dertli269

Previous organizations and leaving causes:
SAPA: I've left from SAPA to join Criminal side to help my friends in their acitivity.

NWA: The gang has been closed after 5 months.

CripZ: I've left from CripZ after 7 years this gang teach me a lot things to get more experiences on this server, the main case leaving; I had a fight with some members in gang.

CDC: I've left from CDC because this gang going to die soon, kinda inactive.

Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire start from nothing,with 3 men born in 1866 to be best criminals organizations do lot of things drugs,weapons,banks robbery ,no one know them or see them just hear about them. Difference is that Underground Empire doesn't have ethnic limits also they have really strong brotherhood to keep each-other backs without fear.

What binds you with Underground Empire: I always choose the most appropriate option for me. As far as I can see, the most appropriate option for me is Undergroun Empire, turned out to be one of the best and most united gangs. Before i was about to join you, i already had couple of friends in your gang, and during the hang i made a few more friends in your gang.

What do you know about organized crime: Well, organized crime is a number of people related to an organization, Organized crime is an organization composed of a group of people whose main objective is to obtain material or economic benefits through the commission of crimes they do illegal activities and they keep their own deals in secret, they are based on teamwork and a good plan to achieve their own goals and the important thing is the leader he has to be well experienced to make it Successful.

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Ingame name: 215|pilas!
Ingame username: mohamad14
Previous organizations and leaving causes:
CDC:they are inactive
CripZ: kicked because i was planed for something i didnt do
Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate and was founded by 3 former soldiers after American Civil War. UE roleplay is connect with weapon and drug trafficking, money laundering, corruptions on cops and politicians and contract killing. UE is also different by other organisations and does not have limits. They have strong brotherhood to keep their backs safe.

What binds you with Underground Empire: First of all I am a successful person in my life, i am good player with some very nice skills and i know all rules in our server and i am loyal player so i wanted to join UE because its nice Gang and had a lot of good and loyal members , i want be one of UE member and i hanged with UE member much and i did all my works and i am still want hang with UE too and i joined turfs and Bank robbers with UE and i was very happy about it and i liked them and they liked me and i hope they trust me like i trusted them and give me chance and i know its hard to join gang LVL 5 like UE because its need a special player and i am special player then i tried to join it , i hanged with all members UE and i think they trusted me more in all this time and every time i was in any turf with UE vs any enemy , i want 1 chance and i will show my loyal

What do you know about organized crime: Well, organized crime is a number of people related to an organization, they do illegal activities and they keep their own deals in secret, they are based on teamwork and a good plan to achieve their own goals and the important thing is the leader he has to be well experienced to make it Successful

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Ingame name: 215|Hitam
Ingame username:hitam
Previous organizations and leaving causes: NO
Define Underground Empire: A good gang fill with good people and pros and such a good gang all the members follow the rules.
What binds you with Underground Empire: I choose UE because I noticed how the gang members got decent attitude and I was attracted by their abilities and experience and excellent activities it is truly a great gang with respected members , I think UE is a decent family and I wish to be a part of this family and it would be a big pleasure for me to be part of it.
What do you know about organized crime: organized crime is the crime that is well planned and perfectly executed in a professional manner by professional criminals who are willing to be the best and work in a professional way in order to achieve their goal without any interruptions .

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Ingame name: 215|Luki6941

Ingame username: Luki8111

Previous organizations and leaving causes: None

Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate. The UE deals with: weapon trafficking, drug trafficking, money laundering, corrupting politicians and contract killing

What binds you with Underground Empire: I met some gang people who taught me some rules and how to play on this server. I really liked how they help and support each other.

What do you know about organized crime: a criminal phenomenon occurring on an international scale, which cannot be strictly limited by the actual state of the crime. It includes a set of single or multiple types of crimes committed by organized crime groups connected by a common goal.

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In-game name: 215|FreshCoffee

In-game username: potato5

Previous organizations and leaving causes: Never

Define Underground Empire: UE or Underground Empire is the richest gang in Las Venturas , Made up of strong , trained members ready for any type of war , They are also known to help other gangs in turfs , bank rob and other illegal stuff

What binds you with Underground Empire: UE is the best gang that i have seen in the server because she creates activities every day wich makes me to play more and i know that if i leave this gang i'm not gonna find a gang similar to her

What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a category of transnational , or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals to engage in illegal activity , most commonly for profit .

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Ingame name: 215|Hakan

Ingame username: no3asy

Previous organizations and leaving causes:N/A

Define Underground Empire:
Underground Empire was founded By 3 men, John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis On June 23, 1866. The Role Of UE Is: Weapons and drugs trafficking, money laundering, contract killing and corrupting politicians + cops , UE is respected and active gang on Saes , and they have many casino's In Las venturas, it is rich gang and highly respected I like Hari the most

What binds you with Underground Empire:
They are too friendly. While I'm a UE helper, hari gave me much money for take some gun I was be much active after that. we do some gang wars it too soo enjoyable and They are soo cool

What do you know about organized crime:
Some criminal organizations, such as terrorist groups, are politically motivated. Sometimes criminal organizations force people to do business with them, such as when a gang extorts money from shopkeepers for "protection". Gangs may become disciplined enough to be considered organized

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Ingame name: 215|Mike_Ehrmant.

Ingame username: JackJeriho

Previous organizations and leaving causes: N/A

Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is a highly organized crime syndicate. Its structure is similar to a corporate structure and consists of highly valued members of the society such as businessmen, corrupt politicians etc. Underground Empire has operations in the areas of Money Laundering, Drug Trafficking, Weapon Trafficking, Corruption and Contract Killing.

What binds you with Underground Empire: The close connection between members. It has a family like connection.
The RP role of the Underground Empire suits my vision of crime.

What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is highly centralized enterprises such as companies, small local business that is run by criminals to engage in illegal activities. It highly differs from traditional street gangs. All the activities are covered with the legal companies that is the "surface".

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Ingame name:215|Zai4ik
Ingame username:Holodos
Previous organizations and leaving causes:None
Define Underground Empire: UE was founded on June 23, 1866 by 3 men - John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis. UE Roleplay is connected with : Weapon Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering,
What connects you to Underground Empire:I have a lot of friends in this gang UE they keep the whole server at Bay UE this is a strong gang and I want me to develop and become stronger with them.they have a very well coordinated work and teamwork and they do not leave their own in trouble I really want to join this gang I have been in the capture zone many times and saw what a strong UE gang
What do you know about organized crime:
Organized crime is any organization made up of a group of people with certain hierarchies, roles and functions, whose main objective is to obtain material or economic benefits through the commission of crime

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Ingame name: 215|Ragnax

Ingame username: Tyga20

Previous organizations and leaving causes: GJMC, I had some problems with a HQ member.

Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire, founded on June 23, 1866. It was created by three confederate soldiers: John Dixon, Edward McFarlane and Judah Davis. They satrted their illegal buisness to get rich. First they began with corrupt politicians then drug trafficking, weapon trafficking and money laundering.

What binds you with Underground Empire: Well the first part of why i want to be one of you is that I like the way you play, I always wanted to be influential and a real killer and learn more things from you guys, I would love to join Underground Empire because you really have the power on the server, you have loyal and experienced members.

What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is when you perform an activity with members of the organization. An organization can only be good if they act together and are cleverly organized, the leaders have a huge influence regarding this part. Usually they operate in groups in order to achieve a specific goal, either money or territories. Working together makes the "job" a lot easier and more efficient because you understand your partners and you're able to easily communicate with them.

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Ingame name: 215|Daniel

Ingame username: 3Bo010

Previous organizations and leaving causes:
ICE: I wanted to try the cops side but it wasn't good for me so I decided to leave the squad and start hanging with UE memebrs also it was a long time ago when I was playing as a cop

Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is a non-ethnic crime syndicate most of its members are have great influence in the society because they have strong ties with corrupt politicians and influential business people, this organization arose on June 23, 1866, after the end of the American Civil War The founders lost everything including their money and their families and, They have nothing left So, they decided to get rich in any way so, they started to work with corrupted politicians as a hired killers, a few years later and specifically in 1901, Daniel Callahan found oil underground but, he was threatened with theft and even death by outlaws and criminals so, his wife drove to Rio bravo and, she found underground empire soldiers and she asked them for help and, they agreed. and in the thirties and forties of the last century, They went to war to evade
criminal charges but unfortunately, many of them did not return. Dino Zee met few old Underground Empire members in prison specifically in 1997 and after three years Dino Zee was released from jail but his criminal activity continued until 2012 and in 2013 the FBI noticed that is Dino Zee revived Underground Empire again.

What binds you with Underground Empire: I am a professional with weapons especially the M4 and I'm sure I'll shoot their heads mercilessly I also have the courage that I can stay alone in a going war waiting for the support, I am always ready for turfs and not only that, I can crack the bank safe in a short time while my brothers protecting my back against the cops.

What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is illegal behavior that is planned and carried out by groups of people in a very systematic fashion. An example of organized crime is the activities of money laundering done by the UE soldiers after the bank robbery.

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