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Roleplay Number: #7
Roleplay Story: Trying to take our fears down and keep our faith high, for this is what keeps us going, it was time to listen to the Father's words, as usual. It was Bishop.Haley, Pope.TripleX, and me, Catholic.Deity. The Father doesn't know much about who we are, but enough to be afraid of us, trying to make the speech fast and brief with his nervous voice, and making mistakes while speaking sometimes. After a while in there, we decided just the usual, chilling in our favorite bar, then going home. Except that this time, our plan would be suddenly changed as soon as we left the church, since I got an interesting call on my phone.

-Yes? Who is it?

-The only thing you need to know about me is that I know who you and your friends are, how you operate and how efficient you usually are despite the fact that you haven't spent too much time in all of this.

-I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

He kept talking with his polite and calm tone:

-Experience has told me that fast learners like all of you are the ones who I can trust my loyalty, at least for a small job, if you're interested. I'll send you some coordinates right now, your decission of doing this or not, and how to do it, it's entirely your business. If I see those three little jewels in front of me before I leave the San Fierro docks, which will be in like... One hour, I'll be glad to pay a fair price. Take your decission now, and act fast.

-Hahah! These phone jokes aren't that funny anymore you know? Sorry for popping your little bubble, mate.

The call ended

We checked the coordinates the guy sent me, and a photo with two expensive Turismos in the place, it looked all blurry since it was taken with zoom from a distant point, but everything was clear. I broke the phone and threw it to the trashcan, as usual after this kind of calls. We weren't too sure about taking the job or not, but time was running, and money was short, so it was worth to at least see if we could take an opportunity here.
We took our car, got some guns ready just in case, and followed the coordinates, that leaded us to a huge cargo ship. The cars were there, recently dropped from it. After driving around, checking the place from the outside for some minutes, we saw a good spot to sneak in. We parked our car a bit far away from the place, started walking with normality, directly to the spot we wanted to use as a way in, then waited a few minutes for a perfect time to take the score, with no one sniffing around. The three of them just right there, three beautiful cars, so immaculate, so shiny, I couldn't resist imagining myself with one of those one day. Though, it wasn't time to start dreaming, but to force the doors to open and give a few touches to the wires to make the engines start. That sound... "I could drive this thing for days" I thought. We left the place fast, careful to not scratch them, keeping to ourselves the imperative need to make them run as fast as possible to test and feel their maximum speed. But even if we had our limits, driving those things was a pleasure anyway.
After some driving, and a few minutes remaining, we got to the San Fierro docks as that strange guy agreed, where he was waiting for us. The way he was dressing... He was from the Underground Empire gang. He looked so gentle and elegant, too much to be into the crime world somehow, he recieved us with a friendly smile and an extremely sincere look on his eyes, talking to us in such a calm way, like if he knew the three of us from his whole life. He didn't seem a criminal at all.
The payment was surprisingly good, he didn't even try to negotiate a price that could be better for him, just revealed the price he had in mind for the three cars in good conditions, and we all agreed with it immediately. It was too good to be true, but we wanted to finish as fast as possible, and so we did.
After making the deal, he smiled again, shaked hands, and mentioned that this was very clean, so there could be more work for us in the future. He said goodbye, then took his car to leave the place. We walked back to ours, started the engine, not very sure of what to think about how good everything went in that unusual deal. What we were sure about, is that we had a nice amount of money on us, and why not, we continued our plan to go to our favorite bar, but this time, to celebrate the success of this day.

With who?: Underground Empire
Date: 24/10/2019


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Roleplay Number: #8
Roleplay Story: Time was running, and our patience as well. Kept waiting right there for like half hour already, our legs fell asleep after sitting for so long, so we decided to stand up. The priest wasn't showing up. No one was.

-I fucking knew it. I said, nervously

-We're in our church, watch your words Deity. What you mean? Pope.TripleX answered

-That's why he told us not to come today, that look in his eyes, the way he spoke when we were near, I knew it, with that slightly fearful face of him... That stupid priest, I knew he was against us somehow, I knew he was up to something.

-The priest? Don't be silly, hes an old man, perhaps he can't come today.

-Yeah? And were's everyone else? Is the church closed or something? Because it doesn't look like it.

-...Look, calm down okay? You're giving too much importance to such small details. Probably it's nothing at all, maybe he's just sick, or busy, hell, he's so old, he could stop coming forever any day.

I saw a police car parking outside, in front of our church

-The fucking cops... I knew it! TripleX, let's hide in the other room!

-No... No, no, no! What if they catch us hiding? Act with normality, we both stay here!

-Are you crazy? You want to get shot or what!? Get down here at least! TripleX! ...shit!

I got cover in a bank, hiding, trying to convince TripleX to hide as well. Suddenly, a stranger deep voice started coming from the entrance

-Well well, isn't this unusual? Why are you so lonely in here? Where are your little friends?

-Tenpenny... Of course... said TripleX You have no respect huh? Carrying a weapon into our sacred place... So who sent you here? That priest of ours... or should I say, yours?

-Oh yes! That poor old dude, can barely stand on feet anymore, taking all those pills everyday and coughing in such a violent way, fuck, I don't even know how he's still able to do all those speeches. But lemme tell ya, he's a fine man, never crossing the line, nor breaking any laws, living happy with the few he has! Y'all could learn a bit from him, don't you think?

He was a police officer, middle-aged black man, very, very short hair, with moustache, and a hesitant look on his face, so typical from cops who think they have power over any other human being on earth. He started coming to TripleX, carrying a M4, meanwhile, I was still covering behind a seat, spying the scene. Tenpenny didn't know that I was here too. He said he had orders to do examine the place, but if anyone knows this guy, then also knows that he's not the kind of cop who follows orders. He started with his little tour around the church, trying to find our drugs, weapons, or whatever the hell he was looking for. Luckly, this is our sacred place, we never take that kind of material in here, even less to store it, so he was here, just wasting his time. At least that's what I thought, until I noticed something weird. He took something from the place up there, the private room, I saw it with my own eyes from down here, after searching into that place, he took some kind of package, and saved it. Then he went back down.

-Well, I think my job is over. See? Wasn't that bad, nor that long huh? Tenpenny said

He left the church, took his car and went away

-I saw him. I said

-What? TripleX asked

-He took something up there, I saw it from here, it was a package, from that place where that fucking priest always likes to stay on his free time. The priest. I told you.

-Alright, I get it. So he made a deal with the police it seems. We're going to take our car and follow him.

-No, we're going for that stupid priest, he knows too much and has contacts in the police, and Tenpenny is not a guy you can mess with that easily, we're not going to kill him just like that.

-We don't need to kill him, just to get some information, come on Deity, we can do that at least!

-We won't get any close to Tenpenny, TripleX, it's too risky. End of the discussion. We're going for the priest.

-Both of them know too much already! The old priest can't do anything, but Tenpenny can! To me, to you...


-...to Haley...


...........alright...tell me the plan.

TripleX told me his plan. It was risky, but simple to do. We took our car, went near the San Fierro police station, then started waiting from our car. We waited for hours. I don't even want to know why someone like Tenpenny takes so long to finish a working day. After all the waiting, he arrived, went inside the station, stayed in there for like 10 minutes, and when all the lights went off, he left the building, took his car, and finally, we could start following him. The plan was to follow him to a place where we could threat and interrogate him, the most obvious, his home. But for our surprise, his home wasn't the place he was going to. He took a familiar road...
...the same we always take to go to our home.

There he was, he parked his car in front of our house, and we parked ours on a distant spot to watch him. He approached to the door, didn't even knock, didn't even try to see if we were inside somehow, he just forced the lock, and got his way in. We couldn't believe what we were seeing, but it wasn't the right time to talk about it, we just left our car, and went to our home to surprise him, this time with our weapons from the car, this time we were ready.
We were sneaking very carefully inside our own home, it was way too intense, we didn't know where he was exactly, I had my shotgun ready to give him a surprise, or even shoot at him if it was necessary. But then...

-I'm over here boys. Don't be scared. Feel free to come.

His voice came from the garage, he was there, not even surprised, not even scared, just there, waiting for us. I started aiming at him

-Give me one fucking good reason to not blow your head up right now. I said to Tenpenny

-Deity wait! TripleX yelled Let's calm down okay? We got him.

-On the ground, pig, and the hands where I can see them. Now.

Surprisingly, Tenpenny followed my order, but he remained so calm, like if nothing was happening

-Funny, how a criminal is giving me an order that I always give to criminals. I understand if you're nervous, but I came here to talk, that's why I waited for you.

-...you waited for us?

-Hahah... Don't want to hurt your ego, ya both did a good job, but it's not the first time that i've been spied during an inspection, or followed to a specific place.

-...how the fuck did you...?

-I wasn't born yesterday unlike all of ya. This is a place where walls don't have ears, so listen to me. I have enough tools to know about every single one of you, every single thing you do in this gang of yours, and even where you live as you can see, I could finish with all your insignificant lives with a couple of calls. But y'all gonna do something good for once, and be useful to me. Remember that little deal of yours? With those three breathtaking Turismos?

-...I remember.

-And I guess you also remember how easy the task was right? Didn't you even have a suspicion?

-...I did.

-Yet y'all happily took the money, Bishop.Haley, Pope.TripleX, and you. Fools... Now listen to me. That guy you dealed with hasn't been very loyal to me lately, he needs to disappear, and that deal of yours is the last movement we can know about him for now. Just answer a simple question, and then, we'll forget about everything that happened today, you can stay with your money, and I can go home. Tell me: the way he was dressing... was like... typical from another gang you may know?

-What kind of question is that!?

-Just answer me.

-...Well, he looked pretty much like a member from the Underground Empire gang, about that I'm sure. With a black suit.

-Hahahah! He laughed like a psychopath A black suit! So I was right from the very beginning... See, this is why there's no point on following the ordinary methods in the law. That's all lads, thanks for the information.

-...That's it? That's all? Really?

-That's all. Oh, and don't worry about the priest, he won't trouble you anymore.

-Where is he?

-Oh he's stubborn really, even if scared, he didn't want to say anything about any of you at the beginning you know? Didn't want any trouble, but as soon as we threatened his relatives, he started talking and talking.

-So he didn't want to betray us... You forced him to speak...

-And we still do. I don't know if he's still alive, since the method we used now with him was a bit... Unusual. But we agree with this method, even if the law doesn't anymore.


-Welcome to America, Catholic.Deity.

-You're a sick fuck.

-You don't have the trophy of the altruism either my friend, none of you have it. Now, with your permission, I wanna go home, to MY home. Goodbye lads.

He left our house, took his car, and started driving away until we couldn't see him anymore on the distance. We called all the gang members to check if they were okay, then explained what happened the next day at our same home. Where walls don't have ears... I think...

Date: 27/10/2019
With who?: ETF


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Roleplay Number: #9
Roleplay Story:

It's the starting of a new month, it's buisnesses time, so it's time to pursuit many deals we made! Santos and the other guys were assigned to get a part of the deals, and i decided to handle the most important one, with our new friends, Organization Zero they are trustable and reliable and our deal is profitable to both sides adding to that we are getting in well so much with them and as expected i recieved the message which includes the time and the location of the meeting, these kind of transactions has to be done in a secure way and avoid any kind of risk, and that's what i did, i borrowed a van from a friends in the hood To hold back the police doubt, they are focusing on us lately since they have rumors that we are controlling the drug dealing in San Fierro despite they are patrolling around our Church with regular patrols, so we are keeping an eye, back to the important deal i found them ready and they already did set up everything, they are so organised all is ready and waiting for me, it was so good to see them once again it's rare to find some trustable friends and dealers in the same time in our time that's why we are always in touch we had a talk at first then we got into buisness the ammo boxes are perfect and the Cocaine KG's are as they want, but it didn't stop there, something new is burning, i wanted to make a step forward it was time to make a move for The Black Disciples the danger became stare and we are having more enemies day after day so i asked for something hard to find and costable so that our enemies knows what we are able to do, i asked for "Grenades" Mr.Gengar and Draven weren't surprised at all, and it's not a problem for them to add it to the deal with new consideration which is Speed and LSD so i made a talk via phone with santos to make sure we can give them the amount they want and it was all good, we have much of it contrary of grenades which we can't get anyone good one actually, so we made the deal and since i went alone two of their Gang made sure that i get back to the hood safe which i really apperciated we both went away happy as always waiting to the next month to see about our new deal.

Date: 03/11/2019
With who?: Organization Zero


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