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Roleplay With "Organization Name" ~[All Load Trucking]~(yellow)

Attenders: @Lynch @Genetrix @RadiO

It was a regular afternoon in San Andreas. Agent.Lynch, Agent.Genetrix were patrolling around Las Venturas. The patrolling day had been very exhausting.Suddenly we saw a grey truck dragging his trailer behind him at the opposite lane. We decided to find out what has happened to the truck because the truck's front was baddly damaged and looked like it had been to a crash recently. We pulled behind him and flashed our sirens. The trucker immediately pulled over. Agent.Lynch approached the trucker for a little chat. Agent.Lynch first introduced himself and asked the trucker what has happened with his truck. The trucker seemed very nervous while answering the questions. The trucker said that he has been to a collision at low speed with another trucker, he added that the second trucker who has crashed into his truck had driven away so he didnt see his numberplate. A little bit later he mentioned that he knew who had crashed into him by his name. That lead us to a suspicion of an insurance fraud."How could he know his name who had hit him? He could of been lying about knowing his name but we werent sure" we were thinking. After hearing that Agent.Lynch immediately asked his documents to check out who we were dealing with. The trucker was getting more nervous by the minute.
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The trucker gave his documents to Agent.Genetrix and he went to check his documents. After some minutes of search, Agent.Genetrix came back to us and informed us about that trucker. We were dealing with a man called Mr.Radio. Mr.Radio had an average record on the database - some speeding tickets from the past but nothing special. He didnt work for anyone and claimed to be working alone.
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The next thing what we asked for was about his trailer. Mr.Radio replied "I am just carrying some of my old furniture, im delivering them to my friend". Agent.Lynch asked him to open the trailer's doors. The trucker happily opened the doors and Agent.Genetrix asked if he could search trought the trailer. Mr.Radio repiled in a nervous voice "Yes sure, go ahead agent".
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Agent.Genetrix climed into the trailer and started carefuly searching through the trailer. The trailer was full of furniture - old chairs, a wardrobe, a bookcase, 2 closets, a wooden table and 3 armchairs. Agent.Genetrix opened up the wardrobe. The next thing that he saw was 2 packs of some white stuff. He confiscated those packs and took them out of the trailer and loaded the packs to the back of the police cruiser. Meanwhile Agent.Lynch handcuffed Mr.Radio and took him also to the police cruiser. We took him to TST PD.
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At TST PD we took him to a office room to update Mr.Radio's database which had old informatin about him. We took a fingerprint scanner from a shelf and told Mr.Radio to put his fingers on the scanner and took the fingerprints and uploaded to the database. After updating database Agent.Lynch searched Mr.Radio's body for any possible weapons - but he didnt find anything. Only thing that he was carrying was an old cellphone with no SIM-card. After the results of the narcotics test to make sure that we were dealing with drugs Agent.Lynch took Mr.Radio to a interrogation room and started to interrogate Mr.Radio.
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First thing that Agent.Lynch asked was about the huge load of furniture. Mr.Radio replied "This furniture is my old furniture and I am giving it away to my poor friend at Los Santos. My new furniture just arrived and I dont have anything to do with it". The 2nd questiong what Agent.Lynch asked was about why he had been carrying illegal substances in his trailer. Mr.Radio replied "I do not know anything about these substance, I am a simple worker who doesnt know anything about drugs". Agent.Lynch didnt believe him and asked in a very loud voice "WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE DRUGS?" Mr.Radio couldnt handle this situation and gave up. He admited that he knew about these drugs and he just wanted to help his poor friend who was a drug addict. Agent.Lynch then asked where did he get those drugs but Mr.Radio remained silent for a long time. We knew that we couldnt get anymore information from him and decided to end this interrogation. We took Mr.Radio into the cell room and showed him his cell. We had sentenced him to jail for 3 years for the possession of illegal substances. The insurance fraud investigation case has been handed over to TST PD. They will do some interrogation with the 2nd trucker who crashed into Mr.Radio.
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TST Event

TST Members: @Genetrix

Type Of Event: Survivor

Prize: 1.000.000

Winner(S) : @ChasinTLSN




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TST Members: @Maxyou12 @Genetrix

Event Type: Football 1v1

Prize: 2.000.000

Winner(S): Chump




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TST Activity

TST Members: @Genetrix @Maxyou12

Date: 11/10/2019

Type Of Activity: Patrol Around LV



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Attenders:@SpeeD1Tn @Cornelius
Story:Our agency has received some information About a drug dealer who transporing his drugs around Los santos. After reviewing the information and conducting the investigation around SF , It turned out that he forces a group of youngs to move his drugs to the rest of the city.
We got a call about a suspecte who's driving from SF going to city , after 15 minuts of chase we pulled him over the suspect was transporting a bag of drugs from Los Santos to whetstone our agents arrested him and took him to our headquarters for further investigation . One of our agents brought to the young guy a set of questions : who the group leader and where is his location , The suspect was confused and after many question he gave us the necessary information about the real seller , the name of criminal is rake member of cdc ,We took a car and went on patrol aroundLS, An hour later we saw the suspect near base iac , we chased him for a while then we stopped him and checked the car , one of our agents found some drugs inside his trunk and then we arrested him .
now , Rake in our jail for more investigations and discovery of other names of drug barons

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Attenders:@Freezoom @Cornelius
Story:On this day, I walked my car on the way until I turned left and saw one of the people enter to one of the neighborhood and then spied on him from the houses step by step until he met with drugs and then contacted my friend policeman and waited until he came to me and talked to him about the subject and then We went with each other and talked with him and I said to him, "Are you possessing drugs?" He said, "No, sir." I said, "No, but you own it." He said, "How did you know that I owned it?" I said, "I followed you from first to last." Drugs, sir, I told him, come on with me and then imprison him for a short time.

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~[TST Activity Check]~(navy)


~[Members:]~(navy) 4
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I got a call from the police station. There was a drug dealer trying to sell some medicine to his client. I was following a drug dealer. When he was selling drugs, he decided to follow him in a secret way, followed him for a long time, spoke to the phone, carried drugs in the car, and went in his car. the path. I followed him and put them in the car, and I spoke to him
And put them in jail.
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On this beautiful day I was walking in LV city and even I was contagious on the headquarters of smugglers and hiding because I saw one of the smuggler and then I followed him and stopped him and came down and talked to him a little and then asked him that he was running away and began to search his truck from all over and received a lot From the drugs and I said to him and was telling me no I was not carrying him, but be one of my friends and then went to a court of the city and had been telling me the truth and then imprisoned.

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Attenders:@xfox18 @StrreT
I was going to one of the cities and suddenly overturned my car and good luck I had the phone number of my friend who was working as a car repair worker so I called him and after a while he came to me and then talked to him about the subject and went to see her and told me that it is corrupt and we must take it to my friend We went to him and talked to each other and went to the backside of my car and gave him the necessary equipment and after a period of repair.

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