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Attenders: @Casper

We detained a well know crook which was at the time suspected of committing a robbery. We could not get contact with the suspect so we had surveillance on him. When we we're able to track him down we detained him and questioned him. As he was complying and answer our questions and gave out contact information we didn't need to make an arrest. This man was later cleard of the accusations he was not the one who committed the robbery.

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Story:I was patrol in LV-Bone country I see one Yellow turismo car Passenger was going Wrong side I pullover him I ask for going wrong side He told me I need go hospital my life in hospital I ask for ID and Licence He was clear but I add him one aggresive and speed drive ticket He ask me for Price I told him 200$ Dolar He give me money,later I give him tickets and RP done
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Attenders: @Casper

It was a good day, the weather was cold and cold, no one was walking around the cities, everybody was in his shop or cooled in his home watching TV with the family, I was working at the time to make security and safety for people. I took the car and started wandering around Los Santos and Las Venturas, stopping at a restaurant to buy a sandwich and coffee on that long night, and then headed for the Las Venturas highway. Afterwards, I stopped the car behind the Las Venturas airport bridge to take a break and eat my food. Suddenly, Lamborghini passed me, he was fast, I thought he was drunk because he was driving like a crazy man. I started my engine and chased him and did not turn on the siren because I felt he was planning to do something wrong, so I tried to follow him in silence. He was going to the country of bones, I did not know what he was doing, and to be honest, I felt very bad about it. After a while, he stopped his car next to the bank. Yes, I knew he was planning to do something illegal. Did not know I was there and I took my M4 from my box and went directly to the bank. His tires showed up in case he tried to escape and entered the bank. In a few minutes of hiding and concentration, he was able to arrest him. Thank God he had not fired since he was armed, took off his arm and put him in the car and moved to the base of the special task force. Jakob set up a hearing room for questioning. One hour later I reached the base and went straight inside with the suspect. So a client. Jacob began interrogating the offender, asking him about his identity card and some details to find out more about him.

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Attenders: @Vissa

Story:I was Patrol with My partner Around Las Venturas I see one Sultan Near Las Venturas Car shop Sultan was took damage I ask for damage passanger he told me I was drive aggresive and fast and later I hit barrier.I told him This is not allowed you know? He told me Yes sir but I was going somewhere I ask for ID and Licence He give me ID and Licence Later I go check it This guy was clear but I wan't search him car I ask for open Trunk He open Trunk and I see one M4 I ask for Licence He told me This is toy I try it This was Real I arrest him and I call here towtruck later We jail him in LVPD
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Attenders: @SlapBobs
Today, we've pulled over a Hermes,,He was driving wrong side,I pullover him he ask me why you pullover me I tell him reason later I ask for ID and Licence I take him ID and Licence and I check it in SAPD documents Later I give him ID and Licence bag He was Clear but I add him one Wrong pay ticket,later I give him ticket and he paid me like 150$ Dollar,later I tell him don't go wrong side again He tell me okay officer have a nice day and RP done
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@Rock said in ~[The Strike Team]~(navy) Media Archive:
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! Participants:@FireSnow
Story:And I opened a food shop and there is a policeman coming to check my Mukalla and found the pies from the Pisa polluted and examined the rest of the agencies and found a little equipment contaminated P said to me"u are under arrest"And took me to the court and two streets on this polluted food began to work again and made new foods and every day and I want to open this shop I find customers waiting for me to open and became the most famous cook
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~[Ativity Check [3 members Online]]~(navy)
~[ScreenShoot:]~(navy):alt text
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~[Participants]~(navy): @hzhayzza
~[Story]~(navy):When I got to my office this morning it was just a regular day , a basic routine some would say , but that changed quickly. Not long after i have arrived at work we recived a emergency call that there was a store robbery taking place in LS , the suspect was armed and he had taken the store owner hostage,we quickly rallied up and went to the crime scene at once . When we got there the situation was getting out of hand and we needed to act quickly. We were discussing the plans of how are we going to get the civilian out of the harms way and we decided that a main force should come from the front , while a smaller party would flank the store while the criminal is distracted . And so we got to it. The plan worked perfectly , we got the issue resolved quickly and noone got harmed , the criminal was taken in to custody where our top agents will be interrogating him , the civilian was taken to the ambulance to recive a medical and psychological treatment.


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Participants: @Bagetto
Story:I was Patrol with Morena in Las Venturas I see one bike passenger was don't have helmet.I pull over him and Ask for ID and Licence He told me I forget in house,I questioned the Licence plate,This guy was clear i wrote him a penalty(200$ Dollar)later he pay me and proceed on one's way
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~[Event type]~(green,lime) :Chicken Shooter
~[Prize]~(green,lime) :1M
~[LWS]~(green,lime): @Brooks
~[Winner(s)]~(green,lime) : @Beckham
~[SS]~:alt text
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~[Event type]~(green,lime) :ALL VS ALL BOX
~[Prize]~(green,lime) :1M
~[LWS]~(green,lime): @Brooks
~[Winner(s)]~(green,lime) : @Avanger
~[SS]~:alt text
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~[Event type]~(green,lime) :1vs1 deagle
~[Prize]~(green,lime) :1M
~[LWS]~(green,lime): @Brooks
~[Winner(s)]~(green,lime) : @hRL
~[SS]~(navy):alt text
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