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19/05/2019 It was 5 o'clock in the morning at the base of The Strike Team

Sergeant Jackson Finnerty Attempts to carry out an operation to safeguard important constructions since there have been several attacks against the water intakes outside the ventures that collect water from the ocean.
Sergeant Finnerty needs two more units which are made up of two recruits the first Jamal and the Other Kalash, Sergeant Finnerty explains to the two recruits that is going to treat the operation that is going to take place shows them the 3 points where they are going to go
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The recruits agree and have everything very clear the sergeant finnerty explains to them that each one will go in a separate patrol and the anger in an aerial unit to detect enemies to long diostancia and everything to be more sure, Being outside of the base gives the last indications and leave quickly.
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When they arrive, he gives them the order to crub themselves because from the helicopter he detected movement.
the recruits along with the sergeant cover themselves with the vehicles and leading the sergeant they begin to move towards the objective when being there he sees that they achieve to hear but they did not do any damage to the structure.
The sergeant gives the directions to move to point two.
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They go to point two and as Sergeant Finnerty approaches a blast of a long-distance weapon can severely damage the helicopter engine and quickly approached land Sergeant Finnerty to see that could explode when falling sharply waits to reach a slightly lower height to jump, as he approaches the earth the sergeant finnerty jumps and a lot of damage is done to his two legs, the recruiter jamal tube that went immediately to the base by a call received by the radio robbery the recruiter Kalas climbs the sergeant finnerty into the car and transfers him to the base where he receives medical attention.
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Saregeant Jackson Finnerty: @Rocoso
Recruit Jamal: @Jamal
Recuit Kalash: @Kalashrie
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Memebers Online 6
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Event Type : Chiken Arrest
Price : $2.000.000
Location : BC G6 Area
Winner : @ANARCHY
Screen : https://imgur.com/a/tWIg9Ao
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Participants [SAM] @Funstein / @Rocoso [TST]
Personal RP #1
History I was driving to San Fierro, when I see a car on fire I decided to go and see what happened, when I arrived I saw the Official.Rocoso wounded, told me that he had had a problem with the car, and crashed. I immediately called the fire department and decided to take him to San Fierro Hospital, where he received medical attention.
Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/glZZt0l
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Participants @Funstein @Rocoso
Story I was on base cluck when, I got a call from Rockoso told me that after a long day's work I was hungry, so I wanted something to eat so, I went with the portable truck, then on base TST, I wanted some pizzas so I prepared them and gave them.
Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/0iu7Yat
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Attenders:Shayb @Razak

Story:Me and a Trainee named as Sohayb was patroling when we saw Razak driving by us. He had a nice sport car. We stopped him just to check everything was alright. He open his trunk when i saw a m4. A stolen m4. There was some m4 missing in Las Venturas police station, none cared about a few m4 who was missing. But i show him the m4 and he said he had papers on this one. But check it and his papers was false. This was one of the stolen m4.



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So i took him to the police station and keept him there for an week to find information about the other missing m4s. 1 week later all m4s was back in the police station, another officer found them in the trash here on the polcie station and we had no proofs against Razak, so we let him go. We know he is a member of CDS(Cartel Da Sinaloa). So we will keep an eye on them and see if we could get anything so we can arrest Razakand whole CDS for stealing m4s and killing 2 cops. 2 good officers, 2 friends and both had a family.



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Participants @Funstein @Rocoso
Story I was on my way to LV, when I received a call from the Official Rocoso, he told me that they were near to my current location, and wanted something to eat since they were, hungry then. I went to them, and sold them some pizzas.
Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/ZKwTtGm
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Event Type : TDM
Price : $2.000.000
Location : BC G6 Area
Winner : @Human_ @Fnabbe
Screen : https://imgur.com/a/M6zS01m
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Event Type : Hunter shooter
Price : $1.500.000
Location : BC G6 Area
Winner : @Cheesse
Screen : https://imgur.com/a/t2YAcVk
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Attenders: @The-Pirus , @Jesse421 , @The-Motor-Heads-TMH , @Lilskies
Story: Today was my special day for promotion. So we started hanging out with Mr.Lilskies . We went to base and drank something. We were very happy. I got an idea and i told him "Let's patrol around San Andreas!" Mr.Lilskies accepted my suggestion and we started patrolling. First we drove around Las Venturas around 1-2 hour/s. And we got bored. Finally we found 2 guys for pulling over. We pulled them over and we checked these ID and car registation. They were driving faster so Mr.Lilskies gave them ticket (250$). This event was end and we drove around too. We got really bored cause of i was driving a car around 3-4 hours. We went to San Fierro but nothing were bad there. We went to Los Santos with using Wheststone way. We see that nothing bad at Los Santos too. We were going to base from Los Santos. I see a boy is driving a car like a maniac! We pulled him over and i added 500$ ticket to him. I got his car registation too. And we were going to base. We were going very very slow. I checked wheels. 2 wheels are exploded! We called The Motor Heads and finally they came around after 1 hour. And they repaired our wheels. We went to base and i was sleepy. I said "bye bye" to Mr.Lilskies and i went to my home.
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Activity Check
Memebers Online 7
Screenshot https://imgur.com/a/Ebxtzzp
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@Wassim said in The Pirus ~ Media Archive:

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Roleplay Number:(16)
Story:When I and my brother were in our shop where we sell drugs, a member of Tho Company came to sell us a group of drugs. When we came to the end we saw the police coming to us when they started the search and the narcotic drugs when they turned us over.


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Participants: @Griffin @Spark @Jamal @Wassim @NRG @Razak

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Attenders: @Riley @Shadro @Morena

Story:We was patrolling from the base ,we was driving at LS-LV Highway,we see a Criminal named as Riley he was driving a sport car,and he's with the jail clothes,this the first reason,tghe 2nd one that he Was driving on the driving wrong side of the road,I stoped him,then i check his ID's and i found that he's clear,then he was dricing the car without his documents, i take his car because he dont have the car documents,and i told him to pay 500k about the driving on the wrong side,then he'll not get his car untill he bring the Car documents.

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Participants @Funstein @Rocoso
Story I was driving around LV when I got a call from Rocoso, the TST agent told me he wanted to order some pizzas. So I mee him in point and I gave him his pizza and he paid me.
Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/sgPNg07
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Roleplay #40
Participants [SAM] @Funstein / @kellerman [SAFP] / @Rocoso [TST]
Personal RP #3
History I was patrolling around LV, when I received a call from Official Kellerman on the radio, requesting medical assistance, because Official Rocoso, was in pursuit of criminals, and lost control of his vehicle and crashed, then took me to Official Rocoso, the hospital, Las Venturas where there is was attended by proffesionals, medics.
Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/qHfQmA9
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Story:One morning, Agent Finnerty from The Strike Team office and Agent Paul.kellerman from the federal office decided to carry out an undercover mission of observing and finding evidence to bring charges against this criminal. For this reason, they also met with an agent from the immigration office as they passed through a street and the officers were waiting for him and took a picture of him and the vehicle where he was being transported since this would help them a lot,
the suspect approaches the door of a gym and is seen selling something this will be a fundamental part of the investigation that will take place
Attenders: Paul.Kellerman- @kellerman Jakcosn.Finnerty-@Rocoso Agent Inmigration- @Inka
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Attenders: [SWAT]Anas
Story: I was free today... No patrol, no raid, no duty... I got bored and finally i got a phone from the top brass team. They told me check cars and if anything wrong call a mechanic for repairing them. If nothing wrong, keep boring. I checked our TTRU Rancher and i see that our wheel is exploded again. I was writing them to a note book. I added this and went to other ones. Our cars are good but our special cars are fucked up. I called mechanic and Mr.Anas came to me. I asked him the price, he said me 1000 dollars for each vehicles. I showed him 4 cars (1000$+1000$+1000$+1000$=4000$) and paid him money after everything. Mr.Anas repaired our TTRU Rancher's wheels and engine. After TTRU Rancher we went to our public TST police car. Nothing bad about it. We went to our other special cars. We checked our COL+ car (fast one). Mr.Anas repaired its engine. We checked other TTRU Rancher. Nothing was bad about it. After everything i paid him 4.500$ (500$ tip). He went out of the base and finally i went to my home for sleeping.
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-Patrolling Seems like a Roleplay
Attenders:@Freezom @Zodapc

Story:We found a person (criminal)are driving a nice car named as Sultan ,He was driving on the wrong Side of the way,and he didn't bring his ID's and car document and we Talked with him,and we warned him,and this warn arent a simple warn it means that we Busted him.



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