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@joakito said in Navy Malistrip ~ Media center:

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Roleplay number: #163
Participants: @nulgath @Afufu @JoakitO
Story: Nulgath went out to sell some dope to an old friend. When he was leaving Las Venturas to go to Los Santos, a police officer asked Nulgath to get out of the car to check it and not see that he had drugs on him. When the SAFP finds the drug in Nulgath's car, Nulgath quickly calls the members to help him, so the members take the guns and go fast to where Nulgath was, when we got there we kidnapped the SAFP, we put him in our truck to kill him so he did not talk about what he saw and our business is over. After that, Nulgath take the drug and the delivery is finished.


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@joakito said in Navy Malistrip ~ Media center:

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Roleplay number: #161
Participants : @nulgath @JoakitO @Afufu
Story: Money of the bank.
Normally the NavM rob banks and make money, but ... With the HQ team we thought it was already very boring and we had never thought about robbing the truck that transport the money from the banks. alt text So from that moment on we all got to work on a plan, to study the routes on which the truck passes. After long months we were able to have a plan. alt text We already had everything studied, clearly, those trucks have an escort since it is a lot of money. But between those months of study we saw that the police did not have many workers, so every few months and in 1 specific hour they send a truck with an escort. So after months of waiting, it was time to act. So we take our vehicles, our weapons, and headed out. When we pass by the truck driver begins to suspect, but apparently, he is very slow, when he kept an eye on the car behind him we put punches to break the tires so that she could not escape.![alt text](auto atras de el camion.png)alt text At that time the truck driver has no options, it was to go down and deliver everything or die, obviously the truck driver decided to give us everything. When we start putting all our money into our vehicle he tries to call the police, but too late... since we shot him in the leg for a warning. alt textalt textAfter putting all the money we left from the zone. So that there is no evidence, we take the bank truck and throw it into a river. And that's how NavM became more millionaire. alt textalt text


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@joakito said in Navy Malistrip ~ Media center:

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Roleplay number: #162
Participants : @nulgath @JoakitO @Afufu
Story: When the DEA finds a drug dealer, they first look at those who sell them drugs. That was the case of a drug dealer in Las Venturas. SAFP was looking for a drug dealer who worked for a major drug lord. When SAFP was able to find the drug dealer they took out all the drugs that he had on him, and stored it in his truck, when the Navy Malistrips saw that we already knew what to do. Everyone has their price, and Afufu was no exception .. So we went to bribe him. After offering him a price, he gave us all the drug that he took from the drug dealer and we put it on our truck, after that we went to our base.


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