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Type of Activity: Emergency Responses, 211 responses
Members Online: @catmemes @aNdomiiie @ElPendejoN

Notes: There are 3 repeated images because there were actually 3 different ones and in order but for some reason, they got repeated and I CAN'T FIX IT!!!!!










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@elet said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive:

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~[Participants in The RP:]~(green)

  • Mechanics: @TaJ , @ItzMoha , @Veneno-x , @Elet

  • Police Man: @sanfara

  • Medic: @VeX

  • Accident victims: @tokiits , @Fasito

~[RP Scenario:]~(green) The Fatal Accident
What started as another usual day for the mechanics of The Motor Heads didn't end up so well for everyone... Going from the beginning...Four mechanics that were on duty during that day were TaJ who was group leader of the shift and three workers, Moha, Veneno and Me (Elektrik). Every day until now we had same and normal routine of nothing being too stressful. First we would meet at office and discuss company situation...checking if every bill is paid and all customers have their appointment scheduled. That day we had two very known personalities coming to our garage to wrap their cars and one interview for mechanic job. So we went and prepared everything, first customer wanted to wrap their BMW in Lime while second customer had a G Class Mercedes Benz and wanted Marble wrap on their car with chrome wheels of the highest quality that we can offer. Moha, Veneno and Me went down to our garage to prepare tools needed to do both of the wraps while TaJ stayed in office and did some more phone calls. Tools that we needed were heat gun, squeegee, cutting blade, cutting tape, measuring tape, gloves and infrared thermometer. We got all the tools ready on our working table and still had 2 hours left until it was time for our first customer to come. Having so much time left and nothing to do we decided to grab coffee from machine and smoke few cigarettes. During our unexpected break we received a call from Police Sheriff of Bone County. As soon we realized Police is calling us it had to be something serious. Everything the Police man told us was to come as fast as possible with two Towtrucks just before San Fierro bridge. We got in our towtrucks and in 4 minutes we were there. After arriving we noticed two crashed cars a BMW and Ferrari, just at the curve of the bridge. With no hesitation we rushed there to check cars of injured owners and made sure they're turned off and that there is nothing dangerous leaking out of them as oil or fuel. While we were securing cars medic was checking injured civilians and police man blocked the road so we can clean up scene of accident as fast as possible. We put damaged parts that broke off of the cars in a trailer and connected cables to cars to tow them away to our garage. Medic rushed two injured civilians to Bone County Hospital for immediate health care. As soon we arrived to our garage at The Big Ear, Sheriff called us again and told us that after we repair both of the cars Bone County Police Department will have to impound them due to them having suspicion of being connected to illegal activities in nearby of Bone County. We got right on the job...begun firstly with BMW. After quick inspection of the engine we noticed that it wasn't too damaged and needed only few parts completely changed. Interior was relatively intact so we didn't have much work with it. Back to the outside we had to replace two out of four wheels with rims. All four doors had to be replaced along with front & rear bumper and hood. Repairs of both cars took entire day. Over at Ferrari side was the same amount of work needed if not more. Ferrari had bumpers in relatively better shape but they still needed to be replaced. It went same for the doors, both drivers and co-drivers door needed to be replaced. Engine cover had to be taken off and replaced with completely new one. Thankfully all the parts for both cars were shipped to us the same day so we finished it faster than we even thought.
After many arduous hours of work in our garage we were done with them and they were driveable. We immediately took them to Bone County Police Department so they can do their job and inspect everything and discover if they in fact were connected to the illegal activities. After doing that our job within the garage and among cars was done. Everything that was left for us to do was fill out paperwork and that's it! And that's exactly what we went to do after arriving back to our base. Another 20 to 30 minutes of typing on computer we were done with everything. Like every good worker we went back quickly to garage and cleaned it up a bit, swept the floor and stored tools back in toolbox. Then our job was finally done and after few minutes of us talking to each other about the adventure we had to experience that day we left to our homes waiting for a new day to start.

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