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Type : Parachuting and DM
Members : @iSsoUu and @Sanfara
Screenshots :


Pachuting : Issou ( 35 ) / Sanfara ( 20 )
Combat : Issou 2 v 0 Sanfara

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Main characters: @Cornelius
Story: ~[Speed Trap]~(navy)
At the evenning i was doing a routine patrol around Los Ventures when i saw a driver drive a sport car with a high speed, so i turn the emergecy and start following him till he stopped,i asked him for the reason that made him driving fast, he answered me that he stepped on the fuel pedal without knowing that. i told him to show me his ID and license cards so i went to my car, turned the police computer and scanned them nothing dangerous showed on the scanner so i gave the cards back and i told him that i will check his car and in that time i start smelling something nasty coming from the trunk(a dead body) but i didnt asked him about that. after all that, i asked him if he is drinking he said sometimes but not while driving.


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activity check
~[this is my last activity check goodbye everyone thank you for your service time and dedication to safp!]~(blue,cyan)
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  • Type of the activity: Patrolling and stopping a jailbreak.

  • Members online: Myself and @Laminee

  • Screenshots: For more screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4js8dgu

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  • Type of the activity: Patrolling.

  • Members online: Myself ; @Glayd ; @LandShark and @jonathan959

  • Screenshots: For more screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2jovA3l

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  • Type of the activity: Patrolling and responding to a turf war.

  • Members online: Myself ; @Glayd ; @Laminee @hxh Once11 Monaco

  • Screenshots: Check the spoiler for more screenshots.

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San Andreas Federal Police Case Report

Case No: 1 Date: 14.3.1992.

Reporting officer: Dovahkiin Prepered by: Dovahkiin

INCIDENT: High rise patrol
Detail of event:
Day 13.3.1992. about 20:20h , suspicious bike apeared in Red County, after speeding away, the person driving the bike did NOT comply to speed limit on road. When I got close to him and gave him a warning to stop the vehicle, person was ignoring my warning. After another warning, (I got much closer to the bike) person driving started to shoot at me. After about ten minutes of police pursuit I managed to ram him outside in the ditch. Person driving the bike (suspect) was called Darude ( one of GJMC's leader). He stepped of his bike and immediately grabbed his gun and tried to shoot me. After cover action he ran away.

Actions taken:
An arrest warrant was sent after the person



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