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Type of the activity: SAFP today's activity - Patrolling, responding to BRs and rescuing VIPs.
Members online: Seals, Laminee, Jona, Formula, Shadro, unyncis (Near) and DeepK.

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Type of the activity: SAFP Night activity - Patrolling, responding to SRs and Jail break
Members online: Ridouan, Laminee, Jona, Formula, iSsoUu, DeepK, Near, Shadro,
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RolePlay Story:
I was in my night shift with some buddies on patrol when we decided to take a quick break and set up a speed trap on the LV-LS highway. We got there and set it up, after a couple of minutes some cars were passing by but no one was above the speed limit. Until a reporter drove with his car very fast and on the wrong line, making it a big risk for himself and other vehicles passing by, we chased after him and he eventually stopped his car as he should. We approached him and began to speak to him, at first he refused to comply with our orders as we thought that he might be drunk or was in some kind of rush, we began talking and he told us that he was on an important case and he needed to be the first one, we wanted to make sure that he wasn't drunk and wanted him to step out but he didn't want to, but after talking with him for a while we decided that it wasn't necessary and we decided that he was just in his rush to be the first on one on the scene for his reporting company. Then other officers approached the scene to help out and verify that everything was good, they stayed there protecting us in case that something could happen. Then they were called and had to leave, then shortly we finished with our traffic stop. The driver was issued a multiple tickets and 6 points to his license, meaning that another infraction would mean to his license removal, when we left the scene he stayed there for a couple of minutes and then left.
**Participants: @laminee @holand @leland @Klay @ridouan


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Type of the activity: SAFP today's activity - Patrolling, responding to BRs
Members online: iSsoUu, Laminee, Shadro DeepK, JoNa, SealS.
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Type of the activity: Parashut race, Free-For-All DM, Practice chase training
Members online: @Glayd , @DeepK, @iSsoUu, @laminee, @LandShark



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Main characters: @SAFP-Shadro @jonathan959 @NORI999 @Kubreit
Story : The incident happened 3 days ago, exactly at 10 PM. The subject is called "Nori". He was Clearly a fan of sports and exotic cars, he took his cheetah to a mechanic in LV to install a V8 engine, and instead of paying the mech for his hard work, he robbed him. The mechanic called 911 immediately after the suspect left with his money. So the dispatcher located the suspect and sent me and my partners to his location. He surrendered as we overnumbered him. As a result, we took him to the base, interrogated him and eventually jailed him.



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