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Rolepaly Story: One day in my work, I went walking around in SA and suddenly, I saw a criminal driving quickly, but when he saw me he started driving as others, but I stopped him on the side and I searched him. I saw that he had weapons, so I took them and he wanted to kill me with them, but he couldn't because I had charged him so that they would not It moves and I also found drugs There So i decide to take him to The court,He received severe punishment and its 15 years in jail.
Participants: @Reus


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@Razak said in La Confrrie Des Lions - Media Archive:

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53st RolePlay
RaZaK was returning from Camping point, while coming back to home a cop came and pull him over, The cop told that someone call him and told him that you having drugs, RaZaK was having no idea whats going on, While camping someone placed drugs in van secretly and call the cops secretly and RaZaK don`t known that.
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RaZaK said that must be gonna be miss understanding, Officer asked for ID Card of RaZaK, gave him and he searched in his car about RaZaK and find nothing wrong, then Officer asked Him to open his car to search, RaZaK opened his van door, Officer start searching.

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While searching Officer found a pack of drugs, RaZaK replied that must be miss understanding, I dont have those, these are not mine, Officer said now lets talk other things in jail.RaZaK was having no other way so he get in the police car and officer take him to San Andreas Police Department,RaZaK was so worried, after all officer called a detective to check these drugs and after research it was discovered that those drugs are not stored by RaZaK someone elses fingerprints were founded, Officer said to RaZaK that you will be jailed for one week for taking to road trip a criminal, next time check other peoples at road trip, and RaZaK got jailed
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Participants: [CDL]RaZaK[S] SAFP|Chris|CDT @chris01


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@ZoRo said in SA Fire Department :: Media Archive:

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Roleplay type: Plane landing in LS-LV highway

Description of roleplay: Today when i'm patroling in LV i got a call for SAFP member saiding in it there is a plane land in LS-LV highway and the plane is on fire, i put my phone in my jacket and i start Driving to the location when i was there is find a hydrant and that is good for me, i put the tube from the hydrant to the fire truck and i start extinguishing the plane, when i finish i start talking with the safd member to know how the plane land here and he said the pilot man has die when he driving it, i call a medic assistance to check all citizens if they are good or no and i go to my base.

Location: LS-LV Highway
Participants: @ZoRo and SAFP| @chris01
Screenshots: Click Me


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~[T]~(#0962b0)ype of the activity:Order and driving training
~[M]~(#0962b0)embers online: @jonathan959 @Seals @Raf0 @Lopez @SAFP-Shadro


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Type of the training: Order and anims training
Members online: @SAFP-Shadro @Wizax @jonathan959 @laminee @islam @Hash and 5 guests
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~[T]~(#0962b0)ype of the activity:Order and Parachute Training
~[M]~(#0962b0)embers online: @Lopez @nsoder


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