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Main characters @ReeyZee
Story: During the patrolling around Las Venturas i noticed a suspicious vehicle on the left side of the road. So naturally i stopped to check out the vehicle. First thing i noticed there was no license plate on the car. I searched the main area, no signs any human activity. After few hours of on-site investigation i took the decision to tow the vehicle to the nearest police department park and to continue the investigation of that suspicous vehicle.


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@SAFP-Carl said in [LWS-Staff] Carl's LWS Events:

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~[Event Number:]~(#48c474) #34
~[Type of event:]~(#48c474) Knock Me Off My NRG
~[Prize:]~(#48c474) $1,500,000 (3 rounds, 500k Each)
~[Presented By:]~(#48c474) SAFP

  • 1st Round: @Taylor

  • 2nd Round: @Taylor

  • 3rd Round: @madrazo



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Activity check
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today we got a call that someone was in trouble so we grabbed the plane and tested our new recovery plan and it worked like a charm
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![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/K2PgSF3.png
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@SAFP-Carl said in [LWS-Staff] Carl's LWS Events:

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  • ~[Event Number:]~(#fbc900) #48

  • ~[Type of event:]~(#fbc900) Last Man Standing at Jefferson

  • ~[Prize:]~(#fbc900) $1.000.000

  • ~[Presented By:]~(#fbc900) @San-Andreas-Federal-Police

  • ~[Winner(s):]~(#fbc900) [CDC]Fad)))))))))))

  • ~[Screenshot(s):]~(#fbc900)


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@SAFP-Carl said in [LWS-Staff] Carl's LWS Events:

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  • ~[Event Number:]~(#fbc900) #49

  • ~[Type of event:]~(#fbc900) 1 vs 1 Sniper Tournment

  • ~[Prize:]~(#fbc900) $1.000.000

  • ~[Presented By:]~(#fbc900) @San-Andreas-Federal-Police

  • ~[Winner(s):]~(#fbc900) @Nishki

  • ~[Screenshot(s):]~(#fbc900)


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@SAFP-Carl said in [LWS-Staff] Carl's LWS Events:

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  • ~[Event Number:]~(#fbc900) #50

  • ~[Type of event:]~(#fbc900) 1 vs 1 Street Boxing

  • ~[Prize:]~(#fbc900) $1,000,000

  • ~[Presented By:]~(fbc900) @San-Andreas-Federal-Police

  • ~[Winner(s):]~(#fbc900) [CDC]Fad))))))))))

  • ~[Screenshot(s):]~(#fbc900)


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Main Characters
@fingerjohn @Eluf @Jonathan959

Marshal Eluf and Officer JoNa were patrolling the Bank zone when they heard through the radios that the silent alarm went off, as soon as they heard the silent alarm they headed to the bank to find a vehicle parked outside of the bank, but they quickly went inside the bank and so one individual running from them, but he was too fast and managed to exit before us, then as soon as we got out of the bank the suspect was already in his car, as soon as we so that he was going to run away we got into our vehicles and started chasing him, after a while chasing him he stopped his vehicle and Eluf parked his car in the back of the car and i in the front, making impossible for him to get away with his car, then we got out of our vehicles and started pointing our assault rifles at him, he quickly surrendered and started talking that he was sorry to let him go but something changed his mind and he decided to run to the other side of his car and started shooting at us, but we were fast too and started shooting back, fortunately no one got hurt in the gunfight, after some shots fired the suspect surrendered and realized he had no chance against us, after he surrendered we quickly apprehended him in handcuffs and putted him on the back of the FBI rancher, then we escorted him to SAFP Base and processed him, thankfully he cooperated and was charged with battery assault and many other charges.




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