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@SAFP-Carl said in Carl's LWS Events:

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~[Event Number:]~(#48c474) #18
~[Type of event:]~(#48c474) SGT DD
~[Prize:]~(#48c474) $1,500,000
~[LWS/G6 member(s):]~(#48c474) G6 @A7md
~[Winner(s):]~(#48c474) @BusterMcBadass


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Morning Patrol around SA
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Morning activity check

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SAN ANDREAS FEDERAL POLICE]~(purple,violet,teal)


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During our patrol around San Andreas, together with the Jackson Finnerty (@Rocoso) agent, we visualized engine noises. Which were entering the G6 area for a tuning event.

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We reviewed the papers in order with @Yoko_Kurama and they were correctly.

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Then we made a few laps around the sector to then retire and continue our patrol in SAES waiting for a new call.

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~[Main characters:]~(blue) @PoLaT

~[Story:]~(blue) :On a beautiful day, I received a call from Polat and told me he wanted weapons. He had a serious job and wanted a lot of weapons. I took him to the SAFP base and gave him all the weapons he had. He took what he wanted from the weapons and thanked me.



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~[Type:]~(green,lime) Sniper LMS
~[LWS/G6:]~(green,lime) Worker|Morena and Worker|Shadro
~[Prize:]~(green,lime) 2.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(green,lime) @zKill98


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Type of the training: Driving lesson (Bank to bank).
Members online: Cadet @Morena
Screenshots: ( https://imgur.com/a/phXFbU9 )


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~[Type:]~(lime,green) Chicken Arrest
~[LWS/G6:]~(green,lime) @Pozzo
~[Prize:]~(green,lime) 1.000.000$
~[Winner:]~(green,lime) @Beckham


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@DALI-i said in DaLi's SAM Application:

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bolded text> **Personal Roleplay #1

Participants: @laminee @chris_nova @Shadro @RadiO
ZIP bulids : @DALI-i


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31/5/2019, It was an ordinary night. I was drinking coffee at the fire department. All of a sudden, the radio was talking about a bar incident. I prepared our self with equipments and enough paramedic stuffs, took the Ambulance and started moving on to the scene. JESUS!! A Worker fell from the height of two floors and we didn't know if anyone else was there or if he is the only one. Luckily, was there a heap of sand where he falldown, that reduced the size of the damage he took. A fracture in his left foot, some fractures and tears in hi ribs and some bruises in his face. A local Sheriff Department closed both road sides with roadblock. I've bring the mobile bed, an officer helpped me out to put him on it slowly without hiting him in any side of his body. I was searching if someone around or anyone saw what happend exactly, and only his mate was there and he was kinda busy talking about the case and telling the sotry to the Sheriff, no victims, even the Worker him-self, his eyes was opened on my face and he was able to whispering with a low voice "help me..... do....n't let .... me die,.... i have a ....wife and 2 kids.... they still young... they can't do shit... whithout me". I felt so much in myself aout his wife his childrens and i decide ti do my best to save his life. I've put some bangages on his leg while we was in the Ambulance. On the way to LS Hospital he was ill realy hard, but all went off when he took some sedatives and medical care required. The surgeon said that he need to stay there from some days before he can walk again and go back home. He was looking to me from the window and points with his hand look like he was about to say " thank you a lot" till his wife and his two chlids rush into the room and turned around his bed.



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