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@Homeless said in Los Escondidos | Media Archive:

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Roleplay #41 The Ear
Participants: @Homeless @JuustuSa1 @Spicey @barras

Lately, police arrests and raids pressured the gang's business. Goods were delivered slow, transporters started giving up, cargo deliveries supplied us with low quality drugs and what else. The leaders went underground until the situation calms, leaving the HQs to rule the gang meanwhile.

I called my right hand in the office. We had to talk and we had to do something.
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H - Skinner, my friend!
S - You wanted to see me, pal.
H - I've called you for something that will be known by only a few members in the gang. Since you have proven yourself to the gang and are the most trusted to me I have to charge you with a very risky task.
S - Anything for you!
H- We are in a very bad situation. I need you to infiltrate the police. Our gang is going down, we need any bit of information from their bloody documents. We need police reports, updates about the next raids towards us, towards the other gangs. We have to know when to defend ourselves from the special forces and when to attack the suddenly weakened gangs. Can you do that for us?
S - But, Homeless, how am I supposed to go there? I have been in jail too many times already, they know me?!
H - Don't worry, my friend, from tomorrow your name is Aziz, a stupid college dropout. I have arranged all documents for you to get in the academy, I want you to do your best and prove yourself to these bastards!

                                          ***3 months later***

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H - If that's not my Aziz, what's up, cop boy? Nice uniform you got there, since when is your employer the Chief of this nasty squad?
A - Take these papers, I've sent additional info to our server.
H - How are the things going?
A - You can deal for 2 weeks from now on freely.
H - Thats plenty of time!
A - It will get ugly after that, the gang round table meeting will be sabotaged, you might want to stay away and inform the current organizations you are friendly with.
H - Thats a big bummer, good job!
A - There is more!
H - Huh?
A - We have a rat in the group...
H - Those fucking lowlife newbies! Who is it? I will send my men immediately!
A - It is Sweman, our vice-leader... I am not wrong, everything is in the papers. There are records of the information he has sent. It seems like he is phoning from around an year.
H - I... I have to talk with Linkan. We will go... Light up a cigarette and when you finish you can go. It seems that we have to turn the gang inside-out in order to survive. Go there and arrest low lifers, I will call you in need


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@Asexyno said in The Company | Activity Feed:

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Roleplay # 376
Roleplay with: ~[SA Federal Police Officer]~(blue)
Participants: @Asexyno @DocPizza @Beckham @Skinnydeads @Spicey @Halo


In-depth Research

Lastly we are having many troubles with the court. It starts no longer than 2 weeks ago that ours entities are being under investigation and ours members and assossiate are being pulled over very often by the police. After a deep investigation we realize something very unusual was happening so the intelligence of The Company setted up a meeting in Headquarters Building yersterday. We started this meeting talking about the currently situation we were facing, on the one hand we got 1 The Company's member under arrest because of drug traffic, on the other many others members were being pulled over in the streets and taken em to the police station for interrogation. In fact, the matter get worser when we noticed the police wasn't alone, someone else was behind this, maybe an organization maybe a close elite person, we don't know.

In the meeting we laid our cards on the table. After concluding an agreement, first consideration we planned was to catch up snitches and take them to our HQ Building to give its deserved. These cops leaking us to the police seemed to be 3 well paid police officer with the porpuse to overthrow our legacy. We closed this meeting with no doubts and all we were going to do with these snitches/spies, all clear.

In the middle night, tonight (as we accorded to don't sleep until we get these 3 asses) a car of The Company's Members (3 members aboard) were driving around Las Venturas where is located the "Federal Prision", they were awake for any footsprint or clue that could lead em to these 3 heads. They received a notification from the HQ, the message was the living GPS and identities. Right away they turned on GPS and followed the directions.. They found it and intercepted it.
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Once they gave up after several warnings, the 3 ThC members stepped out of the vehicle armed hands aiming at the police car. The head of they 3 shouted to the police car: "SURPRISE!, don't make any movement, hands up and don't say a word.". The 3 polices sligltly didn't do nothing and obeyed the orders given.
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After making sure they had the control of the situation, one of the 3 ThC members managed to tow the police patrol and carries it. They only took one police to HQ building for an interrogation, others 2 remaining were taken by 2 kidnapper assossiates to The Company. So they drove back to the Headquarter.
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It took no much time to get there. They tried to hurry this task cuz was a very risk to the organization because as you know, these are privileged by Government, so it is a harsh conspiration.

To conclude they achieved this task very successfully. Once they arrived, there were some fellas waiting for welcoming the snitch. They leaded him to the dungeon, where he was staying until his interrogation, he was supposing to stay here an unlimited of time, so this way The Company can handle the current situation and back to normal.

After everything concluded the 3 The Company members gathered and they talked the next piece they were going to move.
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(Thanks you guys for rping <3)

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