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@Wizax said in BES Public Media Archive:

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Black Eagle Security Roleplay~
RP #48
Participants: @Black-Eagle-Security
Story: The clock was referring to 23:00 when I got a call from some federal polices asking us to escort one of their prisoner's delivery from their interrogation room in SA. Federal Police Headquart to Tierra Robada Police department to jail him there as there were no units on duty at that late time, I collected few of my guard, headed to the gearing room, there we got the need equipment and headed toward SAFP base, we found the officer waiting for us with the suspect on an enforcement, we helped the criminal to entre the vehicle then get in in the back seat with him and headed toward TR police department without getting in troubles, there we left him in a cell room then we got paid




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Main characters: @Zetaa @Wizax @jonathan959 @Glayd @SheraP @MrSlowGuy @
I was talking with Officer Zetaa at my office checking his license when I got a code 0 call from our dispatchers reporting us a suspicious house in the north-eastern of Las Venturas, As soon as I received the call, I grouped some of our tactical respond units, geared up and head toward the state located on the dispatcher report, once we hit the location we used closed all the entrances and broke the back and front door, hall, corners, and rooms were clear, there was no movement but the suspect left some hints behind him, we could find some drugs and old weapons that were stolen from a warehouse in Las Santos according to Las Santos Police Departments report, I wore a pair of gloves and started analyzing the dust inside the drugs pack when I heard a call from Captain SheraP, he found an active bomb hidden on the kitchen, but officer Zetaa, who had an experience with bombs defusing was there to save the day, I gave him my defusing kit hopping that he will be bale to stop it before it blows in 2 minutes, and he could succeed, meanwhile some other officers brought a big truck where we packed all the illegals we found and deliveries them to our headquarter for analyses, maybe we find some fingers print that matches with those on the drugs packs




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Main characters: @Ram @jonathan959 @Sanfara @Gyulavokcs @Ohusarmy
Story: While we were patrolling, we got a report from an unknown civilian. He said, a person have been murdered in Los Santos, at a fuel station. When we arrived, the criminal was going away, but we couldn't leave the fuel station, so we had to call the SAFP HQ for assistance. Luckily, there were an other unit near the fuel station, so they went after the criminal. He tried to fly away with his plane, but there were not enough fuel, so he had to get out. We took him to the SAFP HQ, where one of our officers asked him about the incident.


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