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Roadsters of San Andreas - Media Center


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Welcome to our media center, here you will see our activities and events.

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Roleplay #1
Participators: miKu, NubBob
Organizations: RSA
RP Scenario: We got a phone call from an anonymous person. He needed his drugs to be delivered. So, one of his workers brought a Flatbed to our location and told us to unload them and put them in our Sultans. We did it and he told us to bring it to a garage located at Whetstone. First, we drove to Los Santos to get some fuel. We also did a quick stop there and NubBob brought a drink. After we started moving again, we started moving towards Mount Chilliad, but that was not our destination, so we went to Whetstone. When we reached the garage, me and NubBob unloaded the drugs and put them inside the garage. After that, we got a phone call and they told us that they've put the money inside our Sultans. Before we could ask anything, he hanged up and we drove away.
Date of RP: 08.07.2018
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ixxkv8q

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Event #1
Type of event: Carshow
LWS/G6: taavilaudur[RSA]
Prize: First place 1.000.000$, second place 500.000$, third place 250.000$
Winner: Noisyboy, Steve, Zombie
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ra1pv5L

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