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~[Rockstar Reversed the run from shift to space because Win7 and older versions back in the days had a thing called ''Sticky Keys''.
Do ya'll remember when pressing shift too many times made a message pop up about Sticky Keys.
It made a sound and a message came up and most of the times people got moved to desktop because of the pop-up.

  • ~[https://www.techrepublic.com/blog/windows-and-office/quick-tip-disable-the-sticky-and-filter-keys-in-windows/]~(red)
    ~[- This is how it looked.]~(#999155)

  • Edit: in 2004-2009, There wasn't an possibilty to disable the ''sticky keys'' And when windows 7 came in 2009 people were able to disable it but Rockstar left the sprint on the spacebar because everyone was already used to it.

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@UnderJapan said in Autorun:

~[Rockstar Reversed the run from shift to space because Win7 and older versions back in the days had a thing called ''Sticky Keys''.
Do ya'll remember when pressing shift too many times made a message pop up about Sticky Keys.
It made a sound and a message came up and most of the times people got moved to desktop because of the pop-up.

  • ~[https://www.techrepublic.com/blog/windows-and-office/quick-tip-disable-the-sticky-and-filter-keys-in-windows/]~(red)
    ~[- This is how it looked.]~(#999155)

  • Edit: in 2004-2009, There wasn't an possibilty to disable the ''sticky keys'' And when windows 7 came in 2009 people were able to disable it but Rockstar left the sprint on the spacebar because everyone was already used to it.

You could always disable them lmao, I remember since I had to do it in 2006 when playing Maplestory and my abilities kept on opening the window everytime till I got fed up.

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Most of you sitting on your ass around 4-5 hours per day and still getting lazy? A damn man at least let your fingers work you are already a couch potato.

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Whoever is saying 'stop being lazy', go suggest removing the vehicles cruise control since its literally the same concept and apparently we dont need it

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also its true, its usefull when u run kilometers to disc & want use the time to talk, but this kind of situations are rare, just use nades or f1-iam stuck = faster

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