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^[Welcome to the official media archive of 8th Street]


**Activity number**:
**Activity type**:
**8TS Members**


**Event number**:
**Event type**:
**LWS/G6 Helper**:


**Roleplay number**:


Roleplay number: 1
It was a tough day from work. I decided to go to the park meet people, do some tricks and go home. I started riding to that location admiring the sensuality of the wheels on the streets admiring the nighty sky and everything that was around me. Felt like I was in a fucking paradise
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As soon as I arrived at the park I started doing some tricks, wheelies, 360. Did everything that can get me relieved and I can't even describe how great it was. You'll forget all the problems you have in your real life, its just like drugs! And then I saw a face that inspired me something but forgot who it is, started approaching him until I saw his face and it was a huge surprise for me. My 8th street mate! It was @Zei , and then he just yelled "Long life 8th street!"

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I hopped out of my BMX, ran too him and did our handshake. This moment was really incredible and unforgettable, we started talking about every single thing we could remember, and then he suggested me the idea that was thinking of it for a years and it was the reviving of the 8th street. I didn't even hesitate about it, like man fuck my job, enough money now time for BMX. That specific moment was when we revived 8th street. Of course before going back home happier than ever. I took all the methods to contact, phone number and social media, everything.

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Roleplay number: 2
2 Friends, fans of BMX, turn around the big city of Los Santos searching adrenaline and best tracks of the city.

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After jumps and laughs, an old man stop the 2 young boys, and start yelling at them for the loud music, and start threat them about calling local cops.

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After a while, an Officer came to respond the old man's emergency.

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When the 2 boys saw the officer, they fastly took their bikes and start ride as fast they can, until they reach the skate park, area very simple for try to escape from cops.

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They kept riding until they reached home, where they finally lost the cop behind them, confused and angry.

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Thanks to: @Disaster @Smokey187 @savino and SAFP|Eluf



Activity number 1 :
Activity type : Hanging (Riding bike around SA, Stunting, a Little cop provocation ^^ and some challenge).
8TS Members : Me and Satanas




Activity number: #2
Activity type: hang out at a park near Los Santos and go to Las Venturas for pizza
8TS Members: Me, @Helena and @RUZO


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> Event

Event number: 1
Event type: BMX Parkour & BMX race
LWS/G6 Helper: @Filex
Winner: @Elegant
Parkour: 5.000.000$ (none won)
Race: 3.000.000$

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VTeVXj3


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^[Roleplay: 3]

^[The 'Big Macho Tiger' presents himself.]


^[ @DBMoodyBlues @Ronnie ]


^[Before you start reading the story, click this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4ErmBDTOJo and read it while the song plays.]

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^[I think I'm cute]

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^[I know I'm sexy]

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^[I got the looks]

^[That drives the girls wild]

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^[I got the moves]

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^[That really move them]

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^[I send chills]

^[Up and down their spines]

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^[I'm just a sexy boy]

^[Hello there! I'd present myself but you probably already know who I am. The name's Macho. Tyrone Macho. This gallant guy you see it's me, hard to believe right? How can someone be such a sex god with big dick energy? For you see, I'm a patroller under San Andreas Interceptor's training and I happened to make riding BMX my new hobby when I'm off duty. It all happened several weeks ago when a young fella rammed into me after failing a 360. He apologized to me and he was scared that I was going to punch him but I was amazed by that stunt he was trying to pull and said "Sick moves, bro.". That's when he said "Hey, this gramp's alright" to his friends, that's when I felt a connection. I asked if I could hang with them. They asked me if I knew how to ride a BMX and do cool tricks. I laughed. Why? What the fuck, who do you think I am? Tyrone Macho buddy, of course, I know how.]

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^[So this is me riding around with my hot flamingo muy masculine BMX looking to have some fun and practice my 'no hands 720 upwards inverted with zero gravity' move.]

^[Oh, I forgot to mention...]

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^[I'm also known as 'leg opener'. Wherever I go, I make that pussy game go boing boing.]

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^["Woah, Woah. Easy there babe, hands off the merchandise" - I said.]

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^[I don't obey the law, the law obeys me. That's Tyrone's way.]

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^[Let's skip the introduction. I got approached by some shady guy with a knife asking me to sell some weed. It was pure Jamaican shit, could be worth a big amount of cash. Says he couldn't sell it because he was being hunted or some shit. Whatever. I hop in my BMX and head myself to the location where the buyer would be.]

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^[On the way, I happened to cross with a billboard that had a motivational phrase from a known writer, Luis Fonsi. So inspiring! I stopped and cried for a bit. Then I kept on going.]

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^[I thought to myself "I gotta impress this guy. Maybe he'll throw some extra cash for watching a cool stunt.]

^[That's when I decided to pull my 'no hands 720 upwards inverted with zero gravity...]

^[I failed miserably... DOESN'T MATTER!]

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^[I cleaned myself after making such a mess and went to make a deal with this pendejo.]

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^[ "You sure took your time, ese." - he said.]

^["Ese? Ese sounds like 'S' in Spanish so when we say 'S' in English it sounds like "ass". Ass? Do you want to eat my ass, bro? That's pretty gay, bro." - I replied.]

^["What the fuck, puto? Let's just get this shit done."]

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^[I managed to get 500k's clean off that guy. That's hella dough... I probably should give it to the knife guy from before...]

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^[SIKE! That cash is mine!]

^[Maybe I'll share with the rest of the 8TS kids. Maybe...]


Activity number: 4
Activity type: cycling
8TS Members DJO , Ghsot , FoxZilla
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/COs6YKq


Roleplay number: 4
Story: Riding Mountain Bike while stopped by two guys running in panic on our way to Wheatstone.
Participants: @myself @Fedrick @Zorro @kajobecha2 @dubstep14

On the Sunday morning, @fedrick ask me to train him cycling, he really troublesome guy calling me while im trying to rest on weekend. However i agree to train him because he said he will treat me for breakfast.
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We mount our Mountain Bike and head to cluckin bell to grab some food and immediatly rush to Wheatstone because @fedrick said he want to train at hilly road so i recommend him there, yeah it nice spot for training.
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On our way there, two peoples running in panic stop us, they ask for our help to lose them from cop, I offer them to rent our bicycle. They agree with it, they pay and took our Mountain Bike, I told them to return it back before night or we'll fuck them good and they rushed to safe place while me and @fedrick were asked about them by police officer mentioned by them and we told him fake information.
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Shame on me because I can't help @fedrick training today. Well, he even treat me eat, but he said ''it fine, business come first'', then we head back to Los Santos park to hang out while waiting for the two guys that borrow our Mountain Bike to return it.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Roleplay number: #5
Story: at the Morning i was sleeping but i get up and i thought to make a tripe around SA with my BMX and i thought too to call my friend to make it with me and i called him in phone and he was happy for it and we started to make it , after we finshed the tripe we was very tired and we was very hungry so we went to Shop to eat some things. and we started to give our order to the worker and we started to eat after that i talked to my friend and we said it was very nice tripe and We decided to make this tripe again in anthore day and i went to my home again.
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