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TSAR Election Participation


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^[~[The San Andreas Royalists]~(blueviolet)]

^["Sive mors Gloria"]

^[Death or Glory]

As the chairman of the San Andreas Royalists (TSAR), I would like to make the following public announcement regarding our participation in the upcoming election.

The party HQ has made the decision ~[NOT]~(red) to participate in the upcoming elections in order to ensure that we are not elected. This is done due to the fact that though we are confident in our performance, we do not wish to establish a government without a clear timeline and plan of action leading SA. Additionally, as the party chairman of TSAR, I do not believe myself to be capable in this moment in time to lead an entirely active cabinet to restore San Andreas to the British Crown.

It is both in the interests of TSAR and the people of San Andreas that they are given a government which is both active and regularly takes part in the community as a whole.

~[All TSAR members during this electoral cycle are relieved from their party commitments to support any parties actively taking part. Widescale updates to the internal party machinery will be expected so please continue to check your discord for updates.]~(blueviolet)

Kind regards,
Michael Payne
Party Chairman
The San Andreas Royalists

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