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Everything posted by fattie

  1. 404
  2. his name is nishki
  3. @SWT Ahh sorry, then 3.5m + 150k
  4. Last Ramdan, (WITH NO T.V in the background this time :face_palm: )
  5. @master what you expecting a 80 years old lady alone in her house 60 inch t.v? she barely uses this one anyway
  6. @Deu G(old)
  7. Grandparents quick visit
  8. Marketing level 9999+
  9. @marko said in Show us yourself V3: @psyghost said in Show us yourself V3: here i am on the left( and yeah its Army vehicle) Army vehicle ? It's a fckin tank u drunk !! U can take photos on tanks in Russia ? What tank rofl, It's troops armoured vehicle
  10. In-game name: Fattie Username: stoprunningimfat Age: 17 Nationality: Egyptian Previous bans/punishments: 1 ban since 1.5 years for using ronseal nick ingame and adminjails since long ago Why you think you would be suitable for the role: My short period in SAES could just break some chances because it would give me a lack of knowledge and awareness but I broke the time by joining many groups and making a lot of friendships but I was kind of fascinated with the groups and I put a target to join all of them but that intention decreased by the time cause I realized that it's not about how many groups you're apart of. and yeah it's not my first time trying to join SAHA but yeah denial gives me more time to know and get additional experience in SAES which is needed for everyone to keep the improvement of his character and such. so let's get into the question purpose I think I'm suitable for this role Because I've some qualifications which are needed in the role of SAHA, I never act arrogant with someone cause it's how my character is even in real life I'm very socialite and everyone is my pal until he does the opposite then I will just avoid him or just report him due to any harmful actions against me, I'm relatively active in all platforms either discord, forums, ts or ingame so I will be here whenever I'm needed and I'm bored most of the time playing saes sine I do very usual things like spawning as police or DE to hang around but SAHA duty will give me the life kiss to be honest since I will have something new to do also I never abuse things I'm not supposed to abuse even if it will not harm anybody or for my personal purposes.
  11. Good luck boiis
  12. @element said in DESERT EAGLES SUMMER RECRUITMENT -2018: @Marko But @fattie is dick & he's DE o: @tamo Just dont give up & make this rec, you dont need "good relation with the heads of DE", just show your skills & pass this rec. Good luck mate! what's going on here lol
  13. happy birthday scop you
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