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Everything posted by ezz222

  1. hello admins , i was inactive for 1 month and when i opened i didn't find my donation plane so pls help me and return my plane back to me
  2. hello admins , i was inactive for 1 month and when i opened i didn't find my donation plane so pls help me and return my plane back to me
  3. hello admins , i was inactive for 1 month and when i opened i didn't find my donation plane so pls help me and return my plane back to me
  4. I was have a donation plane and i didn't find it, the last time i opened the game was from 1 month ago and i opened it now and didn't find my plane so pls admins help me
  5. .
  6. This is an automated post for: ezz222 Donation: GBP 15.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: shamal (plane) Vehicle Colour:black and lightning green Specify any upgrades: put the text (Ezz aldine with the red colour)on the vehicle Usernames to lock: (ezz222, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: at sf airport For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
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