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Tylor33's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Part 1 - In-Game Information Nickname: Tylor Username: Medkhalil007 Age: 17 Gender: Male What groups are you a member of?: N/A Have you ever warned/jailed? If yes, why?: Never Have you ever been banned? If yes, why?: Never How would you rate your english from 1-10? (1 being the worst, 10 being best): 7 Part 2 - Roleplay Why are you interested in joining our group?: I like the role so much Do you agree to follow all of the rules (Both the Server and Group rules)?: Yes. Describe yourself (Minimum of 10 words): I'm a good guy, I respect everyone, I don't ignore people and I love doing Roleplays. Why should we pick you over anyone else?: I have a good Roleplay skills, plus I'm not in any group, so I can be 100% active in this group, and I'd like to be one of the first members so one day I can be in the HQ team If your application is denied, you may re-apply in two weeks from the time of the denial
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