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Everything posted by Epichu

  1. @Flex said in Happy Birthday Epichu: Happy birthday, @Epichu, have a good one! :bikini: ty @Anas_ said in Happy Birthday Epichu: Happy birthday Epichu! ty @Blue said in Happy Birthday Epichu: Happy Birthday autistcu ty kid <3 You wont get the deagle tho @Skinner said in Happy Birthday Epichu: HBD Wolfie aint furry like u <3
  2. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 08/03/2022 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jxIM6T0
  3. 12/24/2021 Type of Activity: General Patrol Members Online: @aoxi @Epichu @schwaring @Davos Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  4. 12/24/2021 Type of Activity: Stopping SR Members Online: @Halo @Epichu @Lescano Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  5. 12/14/2021 Type of Activity: Stopping SR Members Online: @Halo @Epichu @xleepy Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  6. 09/28/2021 Type of Activity: General Patrol Members Online: @Laser @Epichu @Rieeria Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  7. 09/27/2021 Type of Activity: Securing VIP Members Online: @Afufu @SheraP @GreenCity @Glayd @Epichu Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  8. Participants: @aoxi @Epichu Date: 09/26/2021 Story: [s=]While I was driving with my semi-truck, I saw Officer Toast turning his lights and siren on so i pulled over and stopped right side of the road. After pulling over, I step out of my truck and the officer started walking towards me. He asked from me if i know why i was pulled over, so I told him I have no glue why he pulled me over. He told me that it was a daily check and they wanted to check my documents and that I have my cargo secured. After Officer Toast checked my documents, he started checking the load and my wheels, that they are okay and nothing is broken in the vehicle that would cause into crash. After checking the vehicle, Officer Toast checked the cargo that it was secured, he said that everything is okay and gave my documents back and said you are free to go. [/s]
  9. 09/26/2021 Type of Activity: General Patrol Members Online: @aoxi @Epichu @Castre @Rieeria Screenshots: [s=][/s]
  10. Date: 09/09/2021 Participants: @Epichu @Rieeria @GreenCity Type of activity: Money Transporting Description Money Transporting from banks around San Andreas to the SF Federal mint. Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/sW5kjXf
  11. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 09/09/2021 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ismuDXO
  12. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 06/05/2021 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/aSDGw6b
  13. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 28/04/2021 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/l0zxN4g
  14. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 23/04/2021 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fbUKIp0
  15. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 22/04/2021 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/K9lUCpD
  16. Ingame name: Epichu Username: hyperman112 Country of Residence and Nationality: Finland, finn Spoken Languages: Finnish, English and little bit swedish Age: 19 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 2015-2016 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: SAPA = Left for FBI FBI = Left for AA AA = Reported own gang member. THC = Same reason as AA FOX = Same as AA Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: beretta viktor, blue, docpizza, I belive everyone from thc
  17. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 18/04/2021 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0Z0Tjxv
  18. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 13/04/2021 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/q5tM8LE
  19. you're the best shooter please contact @Law for invite to Mario gang
  20. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 02/04/2021 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3QxeIZb
  21. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 29/03/2021 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/N143mVH
  22. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 28/03/2021 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9Ex2dvj
  23. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 26/03/2021 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/UmWbzHo
  24. Type of activity: Fuel Trucking Date: 25/03/2021 Participants: @Epichu Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/05DhbJd
  25. @marksman obs. is so hard to kill the guy who does it? like you guys usully do in SRs etc if someone is doing something what you dont like
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