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mohammed hussain

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Everything posted by mohammed hussain

  1. -=(blue)I - BASIC INFORMATION=- Nickname: Mohammed Hussain Usama Nadeem Ibrahim Abdullah Allah The 47th Loginname: Mohammed Age: 25 Gender: Shemale Nationality: Morocco Languages Spoken: English, Arabic, Brazilian, Russian, Turkish, Spanish, Japanese, and little portuguese, maybe something else but I cant recall. Please rate your english skills (1/10): 10 Tell us about yourself in a line: Hello Im Mohammed Hussain Usama Nadeem Ibrahim Abdullah Allah The 47th and Im an ISIS goat herder and I have a sexual fetish with disabled goats. -=(blue)II - GAME INFORMATION=- How long have you been playing MTA: Since its release around January of 2006 How long have you been playing SAES: I started playing on 2009/2010 How much do you in-game hours: 500 How much hours can you play per day: 10 Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: I was in [exo-c] back 2010 but I have not been in any other gang until it died.. as I was very loyal, feels like joining the cop side now after so many years inactive. Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason): I was once banned 1 hour by SAES>Razvan for calling him a resentful homosexual and impersonating him. -=(blue)III - RULES AND MISC=- What is Roleplay: Acting the role you are by using speech, and commands like /me or animations What is Marker arrest: A rulebreak, arresting players directly when they appear in the marker without giving them a chance to fight back. What is DeathMatching: Thats what @Hesha usually does, something cuntish. Killing another player without a mere reason for it, like I come to you and just for standing there I dildokill you, oh and yeah of course thats a rulebreak. Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules: I read whole F1 panel each day each time I login. Did you read QRF Squad Rules: I have acknowledged all QRF Squad Rules and I will read them each day also. Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6: Before attempting to arrest the wanted criminals, use your binds to make a RP situation, if they do contempt the law then arrest them. Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: Absolutely do not arrest players that are wanted under 5 stars. Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4: If you actually see it this rule is almost the same as rule 6 but adding the spam part, yeah anyway > Do not spam the binds, but use them when chasing wanted crimnal. Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7: Something about staying absolutely professional and that Im gonna definitely improve myself here by PC. Thanks.
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