SECTION I - PERSONAL INFORMATION Nickname: Amine Username: amine6 Nationality: Tunisian Country of residence: Tunisia Languages spoken: Arabic - 10/10 French - 7/10 English - 6/10 Age: Currently 15 years old. SECTION II - BACKGROUND Do you have discord?: Yes i do, amineeeeeeeeeeee#6626 How long you have been playing SAES:RPG?: Almost two months of playing . Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: Nope. Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): I haven't been in any organization before and I'd love CDC to be my first. Current group(s) membership?: I am not part of any group at the moment . Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: Yes,Vexy SECTION III - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION State 3 strengths of yours: Driving Shooting Teamwork State 3 Weaknesses of yours: Cracking English skills N/A Why shall we consider accepting you?: You should accept me because I believe that I can be great within the team because I will be doing what ever must be done and what ever I get told to do no matter how hard it is, also I'll be posting a lot on the media archive and helping the gang with activities everyday and even pass my knowledge to the new upcoming helpers inshallah. How will you be benefiting CDC: Like I said I will do what ever should be done to help CDC no matter how hard it is for me because my priority is respect before anything else. Briefly tell us about yourself: My name is amine, I am a professional fortnite player, currently studying in high school. I love being alone most of the time and playing video games because i find it very entertaining. Post a picture of weed or your application won't be considered!