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  1. @ egoist 123 said in Underground Empire: Ingame name: egoist Ingame username: egoist01 Previous organizations and leaving causes: CDC: kicked by @Proton ThC:kicked by @Strong,because i want to join UE and he kick me Define Underground Empire: UE is an organization of criminals , The role of that gang is about doing illegal business like Weapon/drugs trafficking - Money laundering and contract killing ....ect What binds you with Underground Empire: UE is a classic mafia and i think the role of this mafia is more fit to play as a criminal. i would like to give more help on gang activitys like turf - BRs....ect. What do you know about organized crime: its about teamworking and helping your members team on gang activitys .
  2. ^[Store Robbery] ^[]
  3. Address: Jefferson Brothers 2 Account name: staylok Last seen:.01/09/2022 Screenshots:[s=][/s]
  4. Event: #0231 Event type: chicken shooter Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS Helper(s): @ncov Winner(s): @Troones ScreenShots: [s=] [/s]
  5. Address: Run Down House Account name: lior Last seen: 22.march Screenshots:
  6. Address:Irish Hotel Room #7 Account name: anissou Last seen: 26 augast 2022 Screenshots:
  7. SECTION I - PERSONAL INFORMATION Nickname: Egoist Username: egoist01 Nationality: Algerien Age: 18 yo SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: No. Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): DIA: i got kicked because i faught with an hq team. RF:I Got kicked , reason can be expained in game BloodZ: Died. Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: No one , i want to enter with my self Why shall we consider accepting you?: i'm an active guy , helpfull also respectfull one which i can help it for real. How will you be benefiting CDC: for of all , i'm a friendly player i got skills and i'm always active i respectfull all membres also the high ranks when i join i do my job in game post ... also i'm loyal to cdc and i will try to show all things ingame Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with CDC members (use a spoiler):
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