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  1. Is this issue can affect spawn screen too ? Cuz my Spawn screen text became too small
  2. Ye old name tags worked
  3. inc my vram ?? but it was working normally before
  4. https://imgur.com/UvgFFAW
  5. i tried reinstalling mta and gta sa files it didnt work
  6. [Ingame name:] Dark [Ingame username:] barck [Previous organizations and leaving causes: ] [RF-Closed] [CDC-Closed] [SAPA-I leaved cuz I got bored from cop side..] [Define Underground Empire: ]The Underground Empire is a criminal organization involved in illegal activities such as: selling drugs and weapons, robbing stores and banks, running illegal businesses , doing turfs and kidnapping important people. [What binds you with Underground Empire:] The members are active and have great skills and they have been known for that for years so I would like to join them and help them with my skills and do my best. [What do you know about organized crime:] Organized crime is a group that engages in illegal activities, runs illegal businesses, and aims to gain status in society and advance.
  7. Date: 29/08/2024 Activity: Securing The VIP Participants: @DROT @Y.Dark.Y @Skomorje Screenshots:
  8. Bank Robbery: #122 Date: 28/5/2023 Screenshot(s):
  9. Activity : Store Robbery Date : 03/02/2023 Screenshots(s) :
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