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  1. I am active again
  2. I am active again
  3. Display Name: Zwolle Username: zwolee Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13818/donation-zwolle-amount-30-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15058/donation-zwolle-amount-20-00-gbp https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/82599-donationzwolle-amount-500-gbp https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/68870-donation-~zwoll~66-amount-2000/ Total number of Donation Points: 75
  4. Happy birthday hacker note
  5. Happy birthday illluu
  6. Your ingame username: zwolee Your ingame alias: I am known as Zwolle in-game. Your year of birth: I was born in February, 1999. Your gender: Im a male. Nationality: I was born in Turkey. Country of residence: Im currently living in Istanbul, Turkey How long you have been playing SAES: Ive been playing in the server for 10 years, I first joined in 2012 and Ive stayed around, just recently celebrating my first decade in SAES. Qualities you can offer: Im a very experienced player who never stopped playing. Im obviously more active at certain times but Ive always been a concurrent player, especially in more recent times, which means Im totally familiar with the server rules, updates and gameplay mechanics. Im also a very loyal and helpful person whos willing to take healthy criticism, which has been proven many times in the past, especially with the new updates concerning Casino Robberies Banks and Jails, promptly mapped as requested at the best of my capabilities. I was very happy, proud and humbled to be able to help the server and Im thankfull for the trust youve placed in me. I believe both of these qualities Ive mentioned cant always be found in one person and will certainly make a difference when it comes to helping our players, improve our server and reach our common goals. Im obviously mature enough to handle the responsibility and Im fully aware theres plenty of players just as motivated, whom I sincerely want to help and prove everybody I can be even more useful. Your weaknesses: Im too friendly and perhaps some people dont deserve my friendship - I grow older and I see it more often, I guess thats just the way life finds to teach us. It is true, we do learn with our own mistakes, were not machines and humans have many flaws. I refuse myself to believe theres evil in people, so Im terrible at guessing second intentions and I always show my friendlier side, which people tend to abuse, as soon as I feel betrayed or slightly disrespect I always try to maintain my dignity, which sometimes leads to very unpleasant situations. Im fully aware we make twice as many mistakes when were hotheaded, Im no exception and when I feel Ive been wronged I always act on impulse, which very often brings more problems than solutions. I can say Im a work in progress and Ive been trying to control my urges. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do have Discord installed. Im active in the forums as well. Reason for application: Ive been playing for years and I feel its time to share my knowledge with others. I know it can be done regardless of having access to an admin panel, but were very limited otherwise and I want to be much more involved with the community and the decisions that shape our future as a videogame server. I truly want to help our players and thats a genuine feeling towards our community. Im fully aware this is a very common phrase in every application, but very few actually mean it. I also feel ready to face new challenges and experience something new in the server. I want to help the new players of our community, I want to inspire the old players and Im confident Im the right person for the job. Im an experienced player as Ive mentioned, I believe I can evaluate and manage every scenario accordingly, I want to keep updating the server with new features and I obviously dont mind testing whatevers in the works or spend time in the server. Server Memberships: Im a gang member, currently in AA. Im a proud CLO Teniente, an old LWS Honorary, CC, ZIP, CS, OB and ALT member and Im also a Donator. Additional information: My real name is Baris, I live in Istanbul and Im currently working in a 3D Printer Company. I enjoy playing video-games in my free times and long walks in the park with my beautiful cat, Mia. I guess you can say Im just the guy next-door. Im an average person, just trying to peacefully live my life and enjoy every moment I possibly can with my family and friends. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Nothing of note. Previous (legitimate) bans: I have never been banned.
  7. Your ingame username: zwolee. Your ingame alias: I am known as Zwolle in-game. Your year of birth: I was born in 1999. Your gender: Im a male Nationality: Im Turkish Country of residence: Im currently living in Istanbul, Turkey. How long you have been playing SAES: Ive been playing in SAES for 9 years, I joined in 2012. Qualities you can offer:Im a very experienced player who never stopped playing, which means Im familiar with the updated server rules and gameplay mechanics. I am a loyal and helpful person that does have plenty of patience, which can be very useful in certain situations. I believe both of these qualities cant always be found in one person and will surely make a difference when it comes to helping our players, I don't mind helping people and thats an additional quality I think everybody should have in such positions of power. Im obviously mature enough to handle the responsibility and shaping the minds and gameplay of our players. I'm also an active player in the SAES community, both in-game and on the forums. Im known for being a good mapper in MTA and I can say Ive helped the server many times with such skills. Theres obviously more to come but I cant share many details, I can only say Im motivated to keep showing my work and Im very thankful for the trust youve put in me. I can map almost anything you ask and I can do it properly, Im obsessive when it comes to mapping and I always do the very best of my capabilities. Your weaknesses: Im too friendly and perhaps some people dont deserve my friendship. I guess thats just the way life chooses to teach us better, its true when people say you learn with your mistakes and nobodys perfect, were not machines and humans have many flaws. I always doubt theres evil in people so I always show my friendly face, which people often abuse and disrespect, as soon as I feel betrayed or slightly disrespect I just try to protect myself and keep my divinity intact. Were obviously doomed to make mistakes when we make decisions hotheaded, Im no exception and when I see Ive been fooled I alwyas act on impulses, which sometimes end up offering more problems than solutions. I can say Im a work in progress, Im fully aware of my weakness and Im constantly trying to do better. I guess thats a life-long journey of selfrespect and education, and were all traveling the same paths. I dont think anyone wants to be remembered as a bad person, I strongly believe everybody need to acknowledge their weaknesses and work on those to become a better person. Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do have Discord installed and I try to be very active in all the servers I join, SAES included. Reason for application: Ive been playing for years and I feel like its time to share my knowledge, I know it can be done regardless of having access to an admin panel but were very limited that way. I truly want to help our players the best way I can, which sometimes feels insufficient when denied access to better tools. I also feel ready to face new challengers and see a drastic change in my experience within the server, let it be playing time and how I ultimately spend it in the server. I want to help the new players of our community with whatever they need, I want to inspire the old players to be whatever they choose to be and I believe Im the right person for the job. Im an experienced player as Ive mentioned above, I believe I can evaluate and manage every scenario accordingly. I also want to keep updating the server with new features and some projects Ive got in mind, mostly related to mapping where I feel more comfortable and confident in myself and my skills. I obviously wouldnt mind testing whatevers in the works and It will be my pleasure to offer my help in everything and anything you possibly need. Server Memberships: Im a gang member, currently teaming up with JK. Im a proud CLO member, an old LWS, CC, ZIP, CS, OB, IAC and ALT member and Im also a Donator. Additional information: My real name is Baris, I live in Istanbul and Im currently working in a 3D Printer Company. I enjoy playing video-games in my free times and long walks in the park with my beautiful cat, Mia. Im a devoted Muslim but I respect all beliefs and ideologies. I guess you can say Im just the guy next-door, meaning Im a very average young adult, just trying to peacefully live my life and enjoy every moment I possibly can with my family and friends. SAES, overall, had a huge impact in my life. Ive met many people and cultures I would have never met otherwise, Ive shared many incredible moments and experiences with people Ive never seen yet call friends. Ive learned a lot and Im keen to discover new experiences and knowledge I can use in my future, I love to relive my memories and find myself giggling with the past, thats truly a blessing. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Nothing of note. Previous (legitimate) bans: I have never been banned.
  8. I was part of this family between 2014-2021, maybe we didnt end it as good but i will always remember good old times in this gang rip
  9. As you know, there are various activities between cops and robbers such as Bank Robbery, Store Robbery, VIP and Jail Break. I want to show the entire community the project I have been working on for a while now, which is adding one more activity among these I counted above. As you can see in the title, it's a new ''Casino'' design, different from the ones we have right now, and apart from the current regular Casinos, it will have an addition of a heist option. The video speaks for itself, but to sum it up shortly, as seen in the video, criminals will be able to start a Casino Heist upon gathering up together, and we can have safes with bigger numbers than what we have right now. For example, safes could vary from 50m to 100m, I'd keep doors to max 10-20m so that it's not an overkill and criminals actually have a chance to get to safes. It could either be restricted to a specific gang like BRs right now, or we could bring in a new trend and allow all gangs to crack, which means gang HQs will have to operate together and send their best crackers to do their job, since what I imagined the safes to be is around 50m-100m, that would be suitable for all gangs to bring in their best crackers to the table. This could be something to unite all gangs in an activity so that they can stop fighting for BRs for a bit and focus on this new Casino Heist. There is a vent from the safe room that allows safe exit out of Casino, and it can only be used one way (to get out from Casino), so it doesn't work for people to enter from outside. This offers more options to both sides, criminals could escape through Casino roof, door or by using the vent and tunnels, and cops could raid from the door entrance, roof entrance, the entrance whose doors open to cops only, or they could camp at the exit of vent tunnels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vmx8fDXZiyY&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=bariS
  10. We are doing jailbreaks with OB players everyday and its much more fun compared to the old jail. And as sushi said, some updates coming soon
  11. Happy birthday kaio
  12. @stay said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Feliz Cumpleaos seor! HBD @Zwolle @lahuma said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Happy birthday Zivl @ncovv said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Happy Birthdayyy @judyes said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Hbd zwolleee <3 @foxzilla said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Happy Birthday @liyones123 said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Happy birthday @kiraa said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: hbd @alex0107 said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Happy birthday Zwolle! @zaza said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Happy birthday CripZ>Zwolle aka bug abuser @sushii said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: happy birthday !! <3 @coldplay said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Happy birthday king kong @versace said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Happy Birthday Boris Johnson! @villain said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Happy birthday! @xgangsterx said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Happy birthday! @toreno said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: Happy birthday pal!! @siirtuga said in HBD Zwolle / Boris!: HBD Zwolle have a nice day buddy thank you guys, love you all <3
  13. Vehicle Type: shamal Vehicle Colour: random Specify any upgrades: Username to lock: (your username only, use /dvm to add additional users) zwolee Where you want it placed: sf airport
  14. as ronseal said it needs a few tweaks when its played for a while
  15. @drot said in New Jail: Only thing that tilts me and what remains similar to your past design (apparenty) is the location from which the air vent is opened, that is if it is opened from the same location that's being used to open the cells area. That'd create 3 escape routes while cops already struggle with only 1 as of now. If the vent opening required a criminal to be inside the restaurant room by the door panel to trigger it, that'd probably be solid. One person opening three escape doors from a remote room is an overkill. update coming about that, it will be open able from generator stoage or restaurant its like if cooler stopped working = vent on if cooler working = vent off also im thnkng of a corridor for cops that connects to main base of building, with these changes it will be fair enough, i guess so
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