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About Fall-en

  • Birthday September 25

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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. Participants: @Fall-en Duration: 8 minutes Activity: Trucking Date: 12/09/2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/FHrvXs2
  2. Participants: @Fall-en Duration: 20 minutes Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 07.09.2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XoqNco2
  3. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 06/09/2024 SR
  4. Participants: @Fall-en Duration: 15 mins Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 06.09.2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CX9MAPD
  5. Participants: @Fall-en Duration: 5 min Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 06.09.2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EG33OfJ
  6. Participants: @Fall-en District: All Shift period: 11:38 - 12:20 Numbers of healed: 8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3oPswI9
  7. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 06/09/2024 SR
  8. Participants: @Fall-en Duration: 10-15minutes Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 05.09.2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0tHlvBh
  9. Participants: @Fall-en District: San Fiero Shift period: 25 Minutes Number of vehicles: 2 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YkQEaCB
  10. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 21/06/2024 MT.Chilliad
  11. Participants: @Fall-en Duration: More then 25 minutes Activity: Trucking Around LV Date: 28.08.2024 Screenshots
  12. Participants: @Fall-en Duration: around 30 minutes or more Activity: Trucking Linden - Creek Date: 28.08.2024 Screenshots
  13. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 31/07/2024 SR
  14. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 24/07/2024 Store Robbery
  15. The Outfit - In blood, we trust. Date: 24/09/2023 Turfing AA ❤️ Before After
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