Part I:
Link your Donation Tracking Topic:
When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?
Part II: What I Want to be Removed
Vehicle 1: shamal
Location: SF AP
Interior: n/a
Vehicle 2: Shamal
Location: LV AP
Interior: n/a
Location: MY PROP AT SF
Part III: What I Want to be Added
Vehicle 1: Glendale (weed2)
Location: OG base
Vehicle 2: Picador
Location: OG base
Vehicle 1: stratum
Location: OG base
Username: jaber01
Link donation Tracking Topic:
Part III: What I Want to be Added
Vehicle 1:FBI Ranhcer
Location: SF PD
Username: jaber01
Vehicle 2:LV POLICE
Location: LS at my prop
Username: jaber01
Vehicle 3:INfernus
Localtion: LS AT my Prop
Username: jaber01
Interior: N/a
Link donation Tracking Topic:
Part II: What I Want to be Removed
Vehicle 1: Shamal
Location:LS AP
Interior: N/A
Part III: What I Want to be Added
Vehicle 1:Bullet
Location: Yakuza Base
Username: jaber01
Interior: N/A
Part II: What I Want to be Removed
Vehicle 1:Vincent
Location: SAPA BASE
Interior: n/a
Part III: What I Want to be Added
Vehicle 1:Glendale
Location: at my prop at SF
Username: jaber01
Interior: n/a
Part II: What I Want to be Removed
Vehicle 1:FBI Rancher
Location: Near a prop of a friend
Interior: n/a
Vehicle 2: LV police
Location:same place
Vehicle 3: LV police
Location: same place
Part III: What I Want to be Added
Vehicle 1:shamal(sticker1)
Location:sf ap
Username: jaber01
Vehicle 2:Shamal
Location: LS AP
Username: jaber01
Vehicle 3: Vincent
Localtion: SAPA base
Username: jaber01
Interior: N/a
Part I:
Link your Donation Tracking Topic:
When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?
Part II: What I Want to be Removed
Vehicle 1:FBI Rancher
Location: near my prop at LS city
Interior: n/a
Vehicle 2: Bullet
Location: at sf
Vehicle 3: sf ap shamal
Location: SF AP
Part III: What I Want to be Added
Vehicle 1:FBI Rancher with shader(camo2)
Location: i will show the place where i want to make it ingame
Username: jaber01
Vehicle 2: Police car
Location: same location
Username: jaber01
Vehicle 3: Police car 2
Localtion: same location
Username: jaber01
Interior: N/a
Hello @SAES community, I thought it would be great to share with you some amazing skins and designs, among these designs are the following: