Ingame name:215|Danilgun Ingame username: dania321 Previous organizations and leaving causes: In 1866, the Underground Empire was founded by several former people: John Dixon, Edward MacFarlane and Judah Davis-were soldiers and after the war they could not find work due to injuries sustained in the war. Due to lack of work, they decided to go the other way. Their criminal activity began from contract kills. Some politicians wanted someone to be killed, and they did their job pretty well. In 1888, they met a Polish businessman, Richard Kowalski, who was engaged in racketeering, and came to America to become richer. In 1901, Daniel Callahan discovered oil, various gangs wanted to steal this oil and kill him. Daniel Callahan's wife went to Rio Bravo to ask for help from the Underground Empire. What binds you with Underground Empire:I like the history of the gang, I want to feel like a part of this gang and I'm ready to do a lot to get into it What do you know about organized crime: this is a sustained criminal activity carried out by criminal organizations (gangs). Organized crime is an extremely complex phenomenon, which is why there are many different approaches.