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Everything posted by Apollo

  1. I can crack an egg in 1 second.
  2. Thank you for the contributions so far guys! They will be noted down and discussed as soon as is possible. :) Please, keep ideas and opinions coming. We can only improve with feedback from you. The community!
  3. @Ikzelf yes, all aspects of GM. Reward system included.
  4. Hello SAES players. This topic is here to help us in the GM team get an understanding on the opinions on: The current GM system, Improvements players feel could be made to the GM system, Ideas to help improve the GM system from a players point of view. Please post your responses constructively, with a good explanation behind your criticism, ideas etc. We want this topic to be as helpful as possible to us so if changes are made, we can listen to the community and there opinions/ideas. Thank you, SAES GM team.
  5. Sorted.
  6. CripZ is demoted to lvl 0. That is all.
  7. I'm going to throw the point in, that Cops should be trying to prevent drug dealing... So to add NPC drug dealers would slightly defeat the who 'Drugs are illegal' thing. On the other hand, if we ever get an active gov't, they could legalise drugs making this more viable imo. :)
  9. The potential is there to look at removing cops getting wanted levels when in an active turf zone and having to use lethal force if it's possible to be done.
  10. Right. The reason this had been brought to you guys as an idea, is to look at adding another dynamic into the game. Gangs would be able to draw unnoficial turf lines dependant on there bases, warning the gang they are at war in that they will be shot on sight entering into gang Xs 'turf'. Gang Y (Who are at war with gang X) could do the same. It would also add the need for a gang to work closely as a gang. If they're going to sell weapons here, should they take backup? Is it safe for them to go into a certain part of a certain city alone? Or is it not worth the risk? It adds the ability for gangs to actually have 'enemies' outside of just cops (as they arrest them.), Gang Y could stop gang X members participating in a store robbery either by threatening or actually fighting it out to control the SR, or refuse to assist with a bank robbery. (Personally I don't like the idea of gangs shooting up banks to kill each other). Yes, there probably would be a few over-enthusiastic players who'd want to just Rambo about blasting everyone, but we can look at implementing guidelines to stop issues that. One example being for the above: "Players can not just Rambo about with the single intention of killing enemy gang members constantly" "To go and openly attack enemy gang members, there must be a minimum of X players, and conducted as a drive-by, assassination, or 'beating'." An idea that I've just thought, is having a 'gang war' forums, where things such as drive-bys, assassinations & beatings must be logged to make sure there is fair play, and disputed incidents can be settled if for some reason they can't be settled in game. Another idea is more turf zones could be placed around SA. X amount of turfs can be placed in a certain radius from a gangs base. This turf would be a LOT harder to take, but would also help create 'surrender' points, as if gangs loose some valuable turfs it might be enough for them to call a halt to the violence. Try to look past the 'oh players shooting each other' and into the depth this could add for gangs on the server. On a side note. Squads could then have the need to make a gang unit for there squads, and potentially a 'taskforce' compromising of several of each squad member to help co-ordinate stopping gang violence. Perhaps squads would need to have actual patrol areas to help supress gang on gang violence, instead of just finding the nearest wanted criminal or running up to the SR or BR.
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