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Everything posted by dramon

  1. I - BASIC INFORMATION Nickname: Dramon92 Loginname: dramon Age: 14 Gender: male Nationality: Hungary Languages Spoken: Hungary, English Please rate your english skills (1/10): 8 Tell us about yourself in a line: Im Dramon, i really like driving everything, and im a very positive guy :) II - GAME INFORMATION How long have you been playing MTA: 2year How long have you been playing SAES: 1month How much do you in-game hours: 47 How much hours can you play per day: 3-7 Hours Please list your previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: I wont had any Gang/Squad/Companies Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before(with the reason): Yes i had, i shooted players for no reason III - RULES AND MISC What is Roleplay: Acting someone roleplay in game. What is Marker arrest: This includes markercamping. Arresting players without give him reaction time. Give everyone to change to enter freely. What is DeathMatching: Killing people for no reason. Did you read SAES:RPG Server Rules: Yes Did you read QRF Squad Rules: Yes Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 6: Use RolePlay binds before the arrest. Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 3: Do not arrest people under 5 stars Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 4: Use binds at all time, and dont spam Please explain us, what is QRF Rule 7: You're gonna improve yourself here by ProCops.
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