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  1. Account name :the sheriffs house Last seen : 3 oct 2024 Address:guilhaaz screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/SS6VLuY
  2. Address: lv trucking depot Account name:rsbhonnn Last seen: 9th May Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/50xGrU0
  3. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: xxamounexx Your ingame alias: EloThAm Your real name: Mohamed Amine Your DOB: 17/08/2000 Your gender: Male Nationality: Tunisian Country of residence: Hammamet,Tunisia Language skills: Arabic, English , French. English Proficiency: I would rate myself 7.5/10 How long you have been playing: Since 2013 Your strengths: As a potential staff member, I possess strong communication and problem-solving skills, allowing me to effectively engage with players and address issues promptly. I'm adaptable and work well in a team environment, prioritizing player satisfaction and fostering a positive community atmosphere. My reliability and accountability ensure that I fulfill my duties with integrity, contributing to the overall success and harmony of the community. Your weaknesses: I have identified is my tendency to become overly focused on details, which can sometimes lead to a slower pace in completing tasks. However, I am actively working on striking a balance between attention to detail and efficiency to ensure that I can meet deadlines effectively while maintaining quality standards. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I am applying for this position because I am passionate about contributing positively to the gaming community and believe that serving as a staff member would allow me to do so effectively. I have a genuine interest in creating a welcoming and enjoyable experience for players and am excited about the opportunity to be actively involved in supporting the community and ensuring its smooth operation. Additionally, I am eager to utilize and further develop my skills in communication, problem-solving, and teamwork within this role. Overall, I see this as an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the SAES community while also gaining valuable experience and personal growth. Unique qualities you can offer: One unique quality I can offer is my ability to remain calm and composed under pressure. This allows me to effectively handle challenging situations and make sound decisions even in high-stress environments. Additionally, my strong background in [relevant field or skill] provides me with a unique perspective and expertise that I can bring to the team. Furthermore, I am highly adaptable and quick to learn, enabling me to quickly familiarize myself with new tools, systems, or processes that may be required for the role. Overall, my combination of calmness under pressure, specialized expertise, and adaptability makes me a valuable asset to any team. I am proactive in solving players' problems and prioritize effective communication with other staff members before making difficult decisions. Server Memberships: Rogue , ALT. Additional information: In addition, I have been an active member of this server for an extended period, dedicating significant time to familiarizing myself with its mechanics, community dynamics, and overall atmosphere. Throughout my tenure, I have accumulated a wealth of experience that I am eager to leverage in assisting newcomers to the server. I am committed to utilizing my knowledge and expertise to guide and support new players, ensuring they have a positive and enjoyable experience as they navigate the intricacies of the game. My passion for this server, coupled with my desire to help others and share my insights, drives my motivation to contribute positively to the community. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: While I have not received any punishments in the past year, I did receive several adminjails when I was a newbie in previous years, which I have learned from and strive to avoid in the future. Previous (legitimate) bans: While I haven't received any bans in recent years, I did receive a ban for multi-accounting and maybe some others in the past few years, which I admittedly forgot about until now.
  4. Ingame username: xxamounexx Ingame nickname: EloThAm Previous nicknames: EloThAm Age: 23 Date started playing on SAES: 2013 or 2012 Current memberships: N/A Previous memberships: AA/THC/YakuzA/UE/SAFP/O/BS/RDMC/VA/U Previous punishments/bans: I really forget about punishments My strengths: Cracking / Shooting / Communication My weaknesses: I need someone to define my weaknesses Additional information: thanks I agree to the rules of this organisation: Yes I agree to the rules of the community/server: Yes
  5. Address: teabag teepee #3 Account name: joacoborasi Last seen:11 nov 2023 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/hS9AWeu
  6. Address: Teabag Teepee #6 Account name: siyar210 Last seen: 25th oct 2023
  7. Address: bayside bumming shack Account Name: dub1step Last seen: 12 st october 2023 Screenshot:https://imgur.com/a/O2O3vjr
  8. Date: 12/11/2023 BR SF: BR LV : Turf: Turf: Turf: Turf: Turf: BR Assist: Date: 13/11/2023 Turf: Turf: Turf: LV BR:
  9. Date: 10/11/2023 SF BR : SR: Turf: BR Assist: Date: 11/11/2023 Turf: SR: Turf: Turf: BR LV:
  10. Date : 4/11/2023 BR LV : Date : 5/11/2023 BR LV : BR LV: CR : Date : 6/11/2023 Turf: Date : 7/11/2023 Turf: Turf: Turf:
  11. Date: 01/11/2023 BR BlueBerrey : BR LS : CR : Date: 02/11/2023 BR SF:
  12. Address: 8 brown street Account Name: garrett2011 Last seen: 1st october 2023 Screenshot:Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  13. Address: 2 Teepee Track Account Name: garrett2011 Last seen: 1st october 2023 Screenshot: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  14. Date : 26/10/2023 BR LV : BR WS: CR : BR Assist:
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