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Everything posted by Seervio

  1. 5 millions
  2. Jailbreak#886 OB Members: Seervio OB Helpers: A bunch of criminals Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Event Type: Last Man Standing (Only Country Rifle) Prize: $2.121.212 LWS/G6: @AntiRug Winner(s): @Petrow Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Jailbreak#876 OB Members: Seervio OB Helpers: Conway Screenshots: ::: ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/4gt0LVc.png ) :::
  5. SAES>-Pr0Abel- Nando 2 best players I ever met
  6. I mean, whatever adds more diversity to the game is +1 for me. I'm bored of 80% of people using the same cars, bikes, guns, etc.
  7. Hello, I am selling my Strip Club. It has really nearby disk, ATM and a nice strip club interior. Also have some space to park cars and more. Starting Bid is 50m, buying price is 100m. Here some screens of the property. GUI: ::: https://i.imgur.com/a6N5Vsj.png ::: Location (near Jeff Motel) ::: https://i.imgur.com/oN8KoYe.png ::: Interior: ::: https://i.imgur.com/fWlFuOQ.png https://i.imgur.com/AL5jyvR.png ::: Exterior: ::: https://i.imgur.com/4FkAzQz.jpg https://i.imgur.com/rFjlJFx.png :::
  8. I remember old HR when cops needed to check map looking for crims blip grouped in X place to find the correct place. #BringBackHR
  9. It would be very good but you know the people, it's difficult. Mute system is primordial.
  10. Auction ends tomorrow, last chance to make your bid sirs! @Ment @Petrow @Twenta @Kalashrie @Xuho. @Human_ is leading. Good luck.
  11. This auction ends Sunday - January 20th, 18:00 server time. Good luck.
  12. Ment is leading, auction ending soon.
  13. Hellothere, selling this business, feel free to contact me in-game, forums PM or here. Income is 26k per day and max price is 3m GUI: ::: Spoiler Text![alt text](image url) ::: Location: ::: ::: Exterior: ::: :::
  14. Oh shit, que te recuperes pronto compaero, te recibiremos como es debido!
  15. Congratz everyone, specially ma boy @Licano
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