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About Light.

  • Birthday 01/09/2006

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  1. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 21/12/2024 Duration: 30 Minutes Screenshots :
  2. Participants: @Light. District: All Shift period: 20 Minutes Number of vehicles extinguished: 7 Screenshot:
  3. Participants: @Light. District: All Shift period: 15 Minutes Number of vehicles extinguished: 5 Screenshot:
  4. Participants: @Light. District: All Shift period: 20 Minutes Number of vehicles extinguished: 6 Screenshot:
  5. Date: 17/12/2024 Participants: N/A Type of activity: Patrol Duration: +15 minutes Screenshots:
  6. Type Of Activity: LMS Event Date: 17/12/2024 Screenshots:
  7. Type Of Activity: Roleplay Date: 17/12/2024 Participants: @Bagetto Story: It was a normal day when Light received a phone call while sipping his coffee. It was his friend Bagetto from the MC club, reminding him about the delivery date for the goods. Light confirmed that he would deliver them on time and ended the call. Without delay, Light prepared the truck and loaded up Bagetto's goods—twelve Harley bikes bound for the MC club. He hit the road, driving steadily and arriving at the club right on schedule. There, he met his friend Bagetto and successfully delivered the bikes. Grateful for the timely delivery, Bagetto invited Light inside the club for a drink before heading back. Light accepted the invitation, enjoying a brief break. After they finished their drinks, Bagetto paid Light for his services, and the two friends said their goodbyes, satisfied with a job well done. Screenshots:
  8. Address: Dusty Motel Room 6 Account name: dariich Last seen: 11 October 2024 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/3iVq5F2.png
  9. Type Of Activity: Roleplay Date: 11/12/2024 Participants: @Legend@jordskjelv@GetAway Story: It was a typical day for "Light," who had been anticipating this moment. He had struck a deal with his pilot friend to deliver a shipment of motorcycle goods to Los Santos Airport. Starting the engine of his truck, Light set off toward the airport, cruising along the highway that led into the bustling city of Los Santos. As he made his way through the scenic highway, Light encountered an unexpected roadblock set up by two police officers. They flagged him down and requested his driver's license. Without hesitation, Light handed over his license. While one officer took it back to their patrol car to run a check in the police database, the other engaged Light in conversation, casually inspecting the truck to ensure everything was in order. After a few tense minutes, the first officer returned with a nod of approval, confirming that everything was clear. They handed Light's license back and waved him on his way. Relieved, Light continued his journey and soon arrived at Los Santos Airport. There, his pilot friend was waiting as planned. After parking the truck, Light handed over the vehicle along with the shipment. His friend inspected the goods and satisfied, paid Light as agreed. The two shook hands firmly, exchanging smiles of mutual trust and respect. With the deal concluded, Light waved goodbye and walked away, another successful delivery completed. Screenshots:
  10. Participants: @Light. District: All Shift period: 20 Minutes Number of vehicles extinguished: 8 Screenshot:
  11. Participants: @Light. District: All Shift period: 20 Minutes Number of vehicles extinguished: 4 Screenshot:
  12. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 07/12/2024 Participants: N/A Duration: +40 minutes Screenshots:
  13. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 12/6/2024 Participants: N/A Duration: +15 minutes Screenshots:
  14. Participants: @Light. District: All Shift period: 16 Minutes Number of vehicles extinguished: 5 Screenshot:
  15. Date: 06/12/2024 Participants: @Light. Type of activity: Patrol Duration: +25 minutes Screenshots:
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