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Everything posted by mintseeker3142

  1. Picking Up my package from warehouse in lv .. On my way to deliver the packages to the warehouse in Las Venturas , Area whitewood . Safely and succsesfully reached to the ware house 🙂 This was my first post in San Andreas Transportation service Inc. i Hope u like it
  2. SECTION I - PERSONAL INFORMATION Nickname: Mintseeker3142 Username: Mintseeker3142 Nationality: Indian Country of residence: India Languages spoken: English Age: 15 SECTION II - BACKGROUND Do you have discord?: yes ( mintseeker312#0630) How long you have been playing SAES:RPG?: aprox 1 year Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: Never Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): I Was in RF ( Gang is no more) and I was in gost traid i left it to join CDC because all my rf members are in cdc Current group(s) membership?: In ALT Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: Proton SECTION III - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION State 3 strengths of yours: Good at Trucking , Good behavior and i never give up State 3 Weaknesses of yours: Not good at shooting/fighting other players , i can fustrait sometimes and not good at racing Why shall we consider accepting you?: I was in rf for almost 1 year and there opinion upon me in positive . How will you be benefiting CDC: Trying my best , following rules and completing the task assinged to me . will directly or indirectly benefit the gang Briefly tell us about yourself: Hi My self Adit i am from India and i love doing Role play on saes not much of info abt my self . Post a picture of weed or your application won't be considered! (use a spoiler): [s=][/s]
  3. I out on the road delivering some goods and i had been driving for 10 hours straight. All of a sudden the world turned black, as my eyes closed. Seconds after my eyes burst open as i hear a huge crash, and my body gets launced forward as i hit a bridge. I walked out of the truck to see if something were destroyed, and when i left the truck you saw a person on the ground. I quickly called the ambulance who came to help the injured man, and get him to hospital. Ones the man was taken care of and transported to the hospital, the police arrived and took me with him to the police station for a talk - which ended with you getting called up to the court payed all the medical bills for that person and eneded up paying 10,000 dorlals fine . The end . RP with @Nevs , Tango and Me
  4. I would love to suggest a highway that leads to the custom racing track and some modifications to it . The racing track should have some speakers which plays music when raceses are going on . There should be race events in the track in moring and night races so both day and night . A fule station near the pitstop A big display where players who are watching the races can watch through the big screen . 5 sitting places should be accseseable for non racing palyers . For night raceses there should be night stret lamps . Just like race flags there should be races in the track but not every time . a big time gap like every race after 1 hour . 8 .Players can be mecanic in the track and fix the cars during the races like if a car gets dameged or out of fule a mecainc can help the player. People can go to the race track without using the disk . insted using the road to it . Last but not leaset the best racing group should be created or given the existing group to mange the races. Regards Adit
  5. Hey everyone. Hello . So i wanted to creat a gang or clan or group in which I can give players there role and my gang should have its own job wich other player can't do without joining it . Thank you Regards Adit
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