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Everything posted by Deuce

  1. @Orlando Tret 3asba 3la sormek
  2. WHERE AM I ?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unh8kWUuNt4
  4. Nickname:Deuce Age:19 Country:Tunisia Languages spoken:Arab,French and english From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10):8 How long have you been playing on SAES:3 years In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay:Arms Assasssins is the oldest gang in SA.Its based in a cargo ship in San fierro.They Export&Import Weapons from all around the world and supply it in SA. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving):I cant remmember all of them but since early 2016 those are my previous clans: BS:I ve been there for almost 2 years achieved a high rank there.and with the help of turks we climbed to the level 5 but every good story come to an end and I think everyone knows what pushed BS HQs to leave it. HSMC:I ve been in it for like 4 months and its dead now Previous bans on the server and reasons for them:Never Name 3 BR rules: Dont Bankrob with less than 2 peoples in bank Dont marker block another gang bankrob If you're part of an official gang dont spawn as police to ruin another gang bankrob Name 3 GR rules: Dont spawn as DE/CLO to help your gang gr dont spawn kill the other gang Dont spawn as medic to help your gang Name 3 Turf rules: Dont spawn as cop and deffend your turfs Dont spawn as medic and help your own gang Dont fight outside the zone What is Roleplay?:Act like in real life. What is Deathmatching?:Kill someone or destroy someone's vehicle without a specific reason Someone DMs you. What do you do?:I usually ignore them but if he keeps doing it ill report him Youre passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?:Say Hi and move on Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?:Yes,I am a good friend of velona since BS days Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): About me in real life: Hello,My name is amine.I live in tunisia.I am 18 years old.I have 2 sisters older than me.I often go to Kuweit to see my dad because he works there. My Hobbit is playing football with my friends outdoor .My favourite team is Manchester united.I am currently studiying devlopibg in school and finaly my dream is to work in europe. My roleplay story: Las Venturas 2016: It all started there when I decided to join the Police academy after i finished my etudes and I proudly got accepted into the SAPA.They called me for a test.I passed it and then I started taking trainings from the SAPA instructors till I found out that i am ready to get more forward in my Life .So i filled out my graduation application.I passed the test and I was so excited to get my PC test.But sadly I failed in the test since I toke some crack before going to the Parachute jump test so i failed it.Sapa informed me that i could be retested again.frontly I passed and I become a PC Los Santos 2016: I decided to join an intelligence unit such MI-6 so i filled out my application and i got accepted by her Majesty.I was so excited to become an agent but sadly once MI-6 Director gave me a mission of spying.a mercnary gang kidnaped me and asked MI-6 to pay her 200.000.000$ for my head But MI-6 Refused and said that I dont worth that amount But when the mercenary was about to kill me I toke his gun,Killed him and escaped to Las venturas San fierro 2017: I became a high council on an organised crime mafia called BS.Once we were robbing a bank cops rushed and busted us.the court decided to jail me for 5 years Los santos 2022: I am out of jail and I am looking forward to comeback in business The reason behind my application: Well,I am active again.I had alot of good times inside other gangs of the server during those 3 years but i though its the time to make my dream happen and join a top gang like AA.
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