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About Licano

  • Birthday November 28

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Sorted! Hope you enjoy your new rewards!
  2. Money rewarded.
  3. Sorted. Vehicles removed and wraps removed. Bullet swapped for a Kart instead.
  4. Welcome aboard! We've heard great things from you.
  5. Welcome aboard! We've heard great things from you.
  6. Sorted! Enjoy your new rewards!
  7. Reward change done! Hope you enjoy your new rewards 😀
  8. Hello @FoxZilla. We really appreciate your interest in joining us. While we do understand at this very moment your priorities in life sets you away from the game, before taking a decision we would like to see you a bit more in the game, at least at weekends or at any time of your convenience hanging with our members. Until then:
  9. Hello! You had mostly positive reviews. Did a good job hanging with out members and seem like a chill dude. Please do not change our mind regarding that! Welcome!
  10. Sorted! Hope you enjoy all your rewards!
  11. @Combo Hello pal! We do really appreciate your consistency in trying to join us. While this is a behaviour we greatly value, because of certain situations we are sorry to inform you that you have been Please contact any HQ in game before proceeding. @OscarHi! There were some positive feedback about you and we think you'd be a good fit inside. There's a couple of things we want you to improve so make sure to contact an HQ next time you're in game. Welcome both of you to the AA family!
  12. Sorted! Thank you very much for your donation frr.
  13. Sorted. Enjoy your new rewards.
  14. Thanks for donating! $1.000.000 rewarded. Turismo added to his property.
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