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Posts posted by Kaizoku

  1. Personal Information:

    In-game nickname: O|Kaizoku
    In-game account name: kaizokuu
    Age: 17
    Country of residence: France
    Rate your English skills (1/10)?:

    How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: 2-3 years
    What's your current organization and rank?: Outfit, Rtech, ALT member
    List your groups membership(s):Outfit, Rtech, ALT

    Your Strengths: driving, shooting, stunts, isn't afraid of death,
    Your Weaknesses: Nothing
    Rate your sailing skills (1/10): 7

    More Information:

    What can you bring to the Pirate crew?: I can bring some serious strenght to the crew because of my several hours in Sea of Thieves and my knowledge.
    Tell us a little about yourself in the server: I tryhard RF's to be top 1 everywhere, and i enjoy talking to nice people, and sometimes i help Outfit when they call me for a Br or war.
    What is "Roleplay"?: Roleplay can be describe as you  interprete a role and you play,act like your role would act.

    Optional: Name some references. (Any POSA member that brought you to apply or might vote for you): Chaplin

  2. This is an automated post

    TXN ID: 1D378900GS711874N

    Donation Amount: 10.00GBP

    Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30353/donation-point-balance-kaizoku

    Requested Awards: Vehicle

    Vehicle Type: Jester
    Vehicle Colour: (Custom wrap)
    Specify any upgrades: Custom wrap
    kaizokuu_1 (This picture)
    Usernames to lock: Kaizokuu and dousuca
    Where you want it placed: In front of my property (Luck Street4 SF)

    Edit : Link of the github's issue here

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