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Everything posted by Rollyking

  1. nvm
  2. in my opinion the player should have his money stored without the ATM, the money you have when you log off should be the money you have when you log in again.
  3. @General said in [SUGGESTION] Donation Vehicle - Hydra: @Rollyking Hydra it's a rare vehicle, you would ruin it's rareness. Only CLO, and DE can use that vehicle. Although we can bring back other models but with under new IDs like the Raindance, with the base of a Raindance (sounds, speed, dff, etc) in my opinion it's unfair to have those type of vehicles only for certain groups which are really hard to join, i do agree they should have the rockets and we don't have them, it's just a way to Move faster to certain types of activities.
  4. Account name: Rollyking Icon name: 15 Cum Close
  5. Account name: Rollyking Icon name: West Santos Business
  6. Account name: Rollyking Icon name: Hightie Shops
  7. Account name: Rollyking Icon name: Burrito Hotel Room C10
  8. Let players use Hydra as a Donation Vehicle and remove the rockets, just to fly, because this is a easier way of transport, and we can go to certain places faster, i think this would be really useful, just remove the rockets and it's ok.
  9. Information - Name: William Nate Date of birthday: November 18th, 1978 Gender: Male Education: High School Profession: Police Officer
  10. 100% Support, this is really retarded and has to be fixed
  11. Username: Rollyking Age: 24 Country: Portugal Languages spoken: Portuguese and English From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 10/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: 1 month In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: I Don't really know a lot about Arms Assassins since i'm new here, but i like the way they play the game and look like a Organized Gang Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): Cartel de Medelin, didn't like the atmosphere Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: By Scorpyo 1 week because of my behaviour and Tilong perma because of my behaviour too Name 3 Bankrob rules: Members of gangs are not allowed to attempt ruin bank robs of their rival gang by raiding that bank spawned as non-procop spawns or informing other cops on the server about the bank rob. When a bankrob concludes, you may not kill other robbers or asked to be killed by robbers in order to leave the bank via a respawn. You may also not sure F1 -> I'm Stuck on the roof, or commit suicide to leave the bank/room. One gang is allowed to do a maximum of 2 gang bank robs per day Imagine you're AA and you're helping another gang during a bankrob. What are some of the things you should absolutely NOT do?: Spawn as cop Don't camp at the safe vault Don't kill other criminals Name 3 Turf rules: You Can't spawn as medic/police and help your gang in turf war If you killed someone is actively participating in a turf war it is not counted as deathmatching You are not allowed to camp on unclimbable rooftops/places What is Roleplay?: Acting in-game like Real Life What is Deathmatching?: Killing people without any reason Someone DMs you. What do you do?: Report them to Staffs You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: i'll give him a ride Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Corpseee and Joge *Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Hello, my name is Ricardo and my nick is Rolly, i like playing SAES and i'm pretty active and i will help Arms Assasins at any moment they need me.
  12. Address: West Santos Business Account name: deathless Last seen: 30th May 2022 Screenshots:
  13. Address: Hightie Shops Account name: tristan012 Last seen: 13th June 2022 Screenshots:
  14. Event Number: 2 Event Type: Land on my DFT Event Price: 1,000,000$ Event Winner: Steve Event Hoster: Beauty Hosted for: Rolly
  15. Event Number: 1 Event Type: Lucky Nade Event Price: 1,000,000$ Event Winner: NouNou Event Hoster: Beauty Hosted for: Rolly
  16. Hello, Welcome to my Lightning World Sports Topic Hello, my name is Ricardo, i'm 24 Years old and i live in Portugal. Lucky Nade Land on my DFT Total Number of Hosted Events (2) Money Spent (2,000,000$)
  17. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32772/donation-point-balance-rolly?_=1657565443951 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? If you requested a donation reward change before, you have to post the date in which your last request was: i didnt request any reward change before Interior: Temple Flat 21 i want custom interior 25 Repeat this step if you have more than one vehicle. Part III: What I Want to be Added custom interior 25 in my temple flat 21 username: rollyking
  18. Rest in peace Young boy, i hope his family can deal with the death of a loved one, may God bless you in heaven :red_heart:
  19. Display Name: Rolly Username: Rollyking Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32770/donation-rolly-amount-50-00-gbp?_=1656935526366 Total number of Donation Points: 100
  20. This is an automated post TXN ID: 7N4519674V2249419 Donation Amount: 50.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Police LV Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: V8 / AWD Usernames to lock: Rollyking Where you want it placed: in my donut shop prop Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: Rollyking Where you want it placed: in LS Airport Vehicle Type: Infernus Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: V8 / AWD Usernames to lock: Rollyking Where you want it placed: in my donut shop prop Vehicle Type: Hotring Racer 1 Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: V8 / AWD Usernames to lock: Rollyking Where you want it placed: in my donut shop prop Vehicle Type: Bullet Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: V8 / AWD Usernames to lock: Rollyking Where you want it placed: in my donut shop prop
  21. This should be in the server because new players or players that don't understand yet the server like me with a lot of money do bad things with the money, i wasted 40,000,000$ in a infernus that i modded in the mod shop u can put the monster wheels, and it costs 37M so i did that and then i upgrade to v8 awd thinking it would be expensive. @Brophy
  22. @M7mDGr7 i can't because theres no derby map in here
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